Part 1

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You look down your nose, your eyes widened at the arrow pointing at your chest. "The Dwarf breathes so loud we could've shot him in the dark." The Elf Haldir says, his eyes flicking over the Fellowship. His threatening tone falters when he lays his eyes on you. You stare back at his handsome face, too scared to break his gaze. You were walking in the woods of Lothlorien when armed Elves surrounded you and the Fellowship. When Aragorn starts talking to Haldir, he looks away from you. "Haldir of Lorien, we come here for your help. We need your protection." Aragorn says. "Come, the Lady of the Wood is waiting for you." Haldir says, turning and leading the way. "Do you know him?" You whisper to Legolas. He nods, smiling a little. "I do. He's a very good mellon [Friend] of mine." He replies. "You would like him." He adds. Your eyes move over to the captain of the Lothlorien Elves and you smile faintly. "I already do." You murmur under your breath. Legolas, with his intense hearing abilities, laughs softly.

After lady Galadriel gets you settled in Caras Galadhon, everyone-save for you-rests while listening to the lament for Gandalf the Grey, the wizard who sacrificed his life for the Fellowship in Moria. You walk through Caras Galadhon, missing Rivendell, your home. "You should not walk through Caras Galadhon alone. It is very easy for one to get lost if they do not know their way around." A voice says suddenly, stepping out from behind a tree. Haldir. You smile. "I fear I am already a little bit turned around." You laugh softly. "I can show you around if you would like..." Haldir trails, before his eyebrows draw. "I do not even know your name." He laughs. "Y/N." You clarify. "Y/N... that's a lovely name." He remarks, smiling. "Thank you." You reply. Haldir and you start walking through Caras Galadhon. "Where are you from?" He asks. "Imladris." You answer, smiling sadly. "You miss home?" He asks, looking at you. You heave a sigh and nod. "A lot. Lord Elrond wanted me to take this position. I'm one of his trusted Elves, and he knows I will see this mission through, even if I go to my death." You explain. "You're loyal to lord Elrond?" Haldir asks. You nod again. "He's like a ada [Father] to me. My own parents died when I was very young, and lord Elrond took me in." You say. As Haldir and you talk for hours, you find yourself more and more attached to him. He fascinates you to no end. Once you get near where you're staying with the Fellowship, Haldir stops walking. "And this is where I will bid your goodnight, hiril vuin [My lady]" He says softly. You turn and look him. "Thank you, Haldir. I had a lot of fun tonight." You reply. He smiles. "I did as well." He says. You both stare at each other for a long moment, getting lost in each other's eyes. You look away, your breath taken from you. "Galu [Goodbye], Haldir." You say, starting to walk away from him. "Galu [Goodbye], losto vae [Sleep well]." Haldir says softly. "Abarad [Until tomorrow]." You smile.

For the next couple of nights that you're in Lorien, Haldir and you spend it together. You're in love with him, and you're pretty sure he feels the same way about you. Tonight, your last night in Caras Galadhon, you're going to tell him that you love him. "Haldir?" You ask, looking around the usual meeting place for him. "Hey." He says, standing up from behind a rock. You smile as soon as you see him, and walk over to him. "I was worried you weren't going to come today with you leaving tomorrow." Haldir comments, frowning. Your eyebrows draw. "No, no, of course I'd be here." You breathe. "I'm going to miss you, Y/N." He says softly, slowly sliding his hand into yours. Tears fill your eyes. "I'm going to miss you too, Haldir. I loved every moment with you. I-I-I-" You start to tell him you love him, but he gently puts a finger over your lips, his eyes on your mouth. "Shhhh." He whispers, softly, stepping close to you that you're chest to chest with him. "I know." He murmurs. "How do you know?" You ask. "Because." Haldir says simply, before cupping the back of your neck and kissing you deeply. You kiss him back, your heart nearly stopping. He pulls away suddenly, smiling. "That's how I know." He says. You laugh softly, blushing.

At dawn, you say your goodbye to Haldir. "Promise me you'll be safe." You whisper to him, cupping his face. "Only if you promise to do the same." He says. "I promise." You reply, smiling a little. Tears fill your eyes. "I-I love you." You whisper, your voice cracking. "I love you too, Y/N." Haldir replies. He kisses you soundly on the lips. "Y/N, come on!" Gimli exclaims. You break apart from Haldir reluctantly and then board a boat. Haldir and you look at each other until you're out of sight. Swiping the tears off your cheeks, you sniff. Legolas puts a hand on your shoulder and gives you a sympathic smile. "You'll see him again." He says softly. You smile a little and nod.

You're putting on your chain mail when you hear a horn blow through Helms Deep. "That's no Orc horn." Legolas says. Aragon runs up he stairs that leads outside. "Are you coming, Y/N?" Legolas asks. "I'll be up there soon, I just want to finish getting ready for battle." You reply. He nods and follows after Aragorn. You sheathe your sword, and then quickly plait your hair into a braid. You walk up the stairs and hear a man asking about you, his tone worried. "Where's Y/N? Is she safe? Is she all right?" Your eyebrows draw at the familiar voice. You run up the rest of the steps, your heart pounding. "Haldir?" You ask, on the verge of tears. Aragorn and Legolas step apart to reveal Haldir with his army of Elves. You rush into his arms and he hugs you tightly, sighing with relief. "I was so worried. I didn't see you and I thought something terrible had happened to you." He whispers into your hair. You close your eyes as tears slide past your lashes. "I've missed you so much." You say quietly. Gimli clears his throat and that's when you realize Haldir and you are embracing each other in the middle of the Elves and countless of other people from Rohan and Helms Deep. You blush and break apart from him. "Excuse us." You say to everyone, before taking Haldir's hand and pulling him down a secluded stairway. Once you're sure you're out of sight, Haldir backs you up into a wall, tilts your chin upward, and kisses you so passionately that you feel like fainting. You cup his neck with your hands, pulling him closer to you. "Y/N." Haldir gasps, parting his lips from yours, breathing heavily. He rests his forward against yours. "I've missed you so much." He whispers. "I've missed you too. I-I was so scared about going to battle tonight. I thought I was never going to see you again." You say, tears in your eyes. You hold his face and then drop your hands to his chest, smiling. "But now that you're here, I feel I could do anything." You laugh softly. Haldir smiles and you kiss his lips softly. "You're so beautiful." He whispers, caressing your face. You blush. You lay your head against his chest while he massages your back with his one hand, and with the other, strokes your hair. "Do we have to go to war?" You moan. Haldir laughs quietly. "You know we do, my love. But I guess you already know I'd much rather hold you in my arms..." He trails off and lift your head up. "And kiss you..." He adds, before kissing you. You laugh and wrap your arms around him, kissing him back.

You push an Orc off the wall, before whirling around and killing another. You keep an eye on Haldir, making sure he's okay. He does the same with you. The Orcs are overrunning Helms Deep and defeat is near for you. "Retreat! Retreat!" Theoden screams. You start to make your way to the keep. "Haldir, retreat! Retreat to the keep!" Aragorn shouts. You look back at Haldir and he nods to Aragorn. You see Orcs surrounding him and your eyes widen in horror. "Haldir!" You scream, running to him. You start fighting and killing the Orcs that surround him. Haldir and you kill them all. Your love grabs your hand and runs to the keep. Once you're inside, Haldir pulls you into his arms. "I was so frightened. I-I thought you were going to die." You sob. "Shh, shh, it's okay, my love, I'm okay." He whispers. "I just love you so much and I don't want anything to happen to you." You whisper, looking up at him. "I love you too, Y/N. And I promise you, once this is all over, I'm going to take you back to Lorien and marry you." He states. You smile. "I can't wait." You whisper. "We're a team, Y/N. And we'll always be one." Haldir says. You nod and kiss his cheek. "I like that." You reply. "Then let's kill these Orcs so we can live happily ever after." He says, smiling. You grin. "Let's." You say.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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