Prologue and Chapter 1

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(Author's Note: One, this is my first story on Wattpad so I hope you enjoy! Secondly, since I am not a revolutionary or genius writer, I am borrowing bits and pieces from some of my favorite fantasies/fairytales...I haven't finished the story so we'll see what I have in store! Also, if anyone reads this at all, please suggest anything I should fix/work on. Thanks.)


“It has to be done, my Lord,” Draigen urged King Alfrid, “Adrian must be married on the eve of his nineteenth birthday to one of the princesses of the land; your ancestors have commanded it.”

King Alfrid, rubbed his chin in his strong, weathered hands, “What will come if this does not happen?”

Draigen looked up at him, his grey eyes stonier and colder than Alfrid remembered, “Oh your Highness, surely you must know that one thousand years ago, the creator of this kingdom, King Toban, had sworn to the great Necromancer, Damien, that his forty-ninth descendant in line would be betrothed to a princess of the land. Your ancestors before you have all married women from the lands of Soria, as your wife is a Sorian. This cannot be done with Adrian; no matter how split this kingdom is, he must marry a princess of the land of Cliffony. Or Damien will do unimaginable harm to this crown. Understood?”

King Alfrid closed his eyes, “Draigen, have you ever understood why he would harm Cliffony if this did not come about?”

Draigen sat down, his long, bony fingers tapping the table, “The fiftieth son in line for the throne must have the blood of not only a Sorian like Adrian and the girls but also of a pure Cliffonian, like the four princesses; this way the prophecy of the great fiftieth King will be fulfilled and Cliffony will thrive for another thousand years.”

King Alfrid looked up at the ceiling, “What could Damien possibly do to destroy the great kingdom of Cliffony?”

Draigen lowered his head, keeping his eyes on the King, his voice low and harsh, “Damien is an unstoppable, powerful force. He has his ways, Your Highness, he has the power to destroy this whole kingdom and take it himself. He is a necromancer, as you know, and he has the darkness on his side.” 

This was definitely enough to convince King Alfrid and he stood up, dragging his chair out, “Shall I send them for them?”

Draigen nodded coldly, “As soon as possible. Adrian has some future wives to meet.”

Chapter 1

“Look at poor Maxie, Cat," Adrian laughed at the sight of his hound dressed up as a girl; he looked at his sister, Catrina, expectantly.

She looked up from her reading, her once-bright green eyes not showing a hint of amusement, and then she burrowed her nose back into the thick book. Adrian pursued his lips, he liked to think that Cat was reclusive and miserable because she was a typical, misunderstood 16-year old but he knew it had to be something more than that. The two siblings were outside by the castle pond; the weather was lovely today and Adrian had found Maxie, his three year old black hound, covered in flowery print and fabrics. It must have been the work of Eavan, his crafty little sister.

A loud clatter from the archway leading to the pond startled Adrian. He quickly turned around and breathed a sigh of relief. Speak of the devil, he jokingly thought. Eavan, a slender girl, short for her age, with curly brown hair and wild green eyes like her father and sister, was dragging a bucket of assorted fabrics and hats, “Maxie! Come here boy, I have something else for you to wear.” Maxie whimpered and started running the opposite direction, Eavan close behind her. Adrian watched all of this in complete amusement, laughing to himself. He then plopped himself on to the wooden bench where Catrina was lazily reading.

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