Chapter 9

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Mackenzie's POV

I didn't see Colette in all my classes I had with her today. The next period was PE which I also had with her. I hope she went to New Orleans suddenly an had to drop all electronics and social media so I never have to hear from her ever again. I'm serious.

And come to think of it, why can't I just stand up to Colette? I mean it doesn't seem that hard to...

Interrupting my thoughts, a girl holding a camera with her hair in two braids and nerd glasses walked up to me. " Hey! Im Beverly, Beverly Parks. I'm the head of the news committee and I would like to do an article about your latest dance competition! If it's not too troubling for someone as amazing as you who probably has so many other more important things to do..." She continued mumbling about some stuff before she noticed I was looking around awkwardly.

"OMYGOSH I'm so sorry I was mumbling to myself! Sometimes I just get carried away and..." I put my arms on her shoulders and told she was babbling again. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked down awkwardly. After a few minutes of consoling, Beverly regained her composure and asked me (in one sentence) if I wanted to do the interview. Of course, I politely agreed to her offer, with the condition that the questions weren't too personal.

She asked me questions like "how does it feel to win" and "are you excited for your next competition." The last question was "are you going to be attending any more competitions with Calum and Haley?"

I immediately froze. Calum.

I skipped merrily to Haley's house to surprise her for her birthday. Knocking on the door, I licked my lips anxiously, waiting for her mother to open the door. When I finally got a response, I caught Haley and Calum making out in the family room out of the corner of my eye.

My lips quivered and my knees felt like they were going to give way. My head was spinning and my stomach was churning. I had absolutely no clue what to do.

I quickly excused myself and sprinted home, tears flowing down my cheeks like the Niagra falls. I dashed into my room and yanked all of my stuffed toy from Calum off my bed and stuffed them under my bed. I emptied my  purse from Haley and threw it deep within my mountain of clothing in my closet. 

I thought she was my best friend.

I choked down my tears and quickly sent a text to Haley and one to Calum.

Kenziepoo17: You are such a liar. I can't believe I ever trusted you.

HaleyBaley: Kenz what are you talking about?

Kenziepoo17: You know very well what's going on you boyfriend stealing jerk!

HaleyBaley: Look, I didn't mean it. It was just a one time thing it meant nothing to me.

Kenziepoo17: Oh, okay. So now suddenly making out with my boyfriend means nothing, is he not good enough for you? Huh, Haley?

HaleyBaley: Kenzie, I...

Kenziepoo17: You know what Haley? I'm done with you.

Next I texted Calum.

Kenziepoo17: How could you? I thought you were mine!!

Calummm77: How could I what?

Kenziepoo17: Oh come on, don't play dumb.

Calummm77: Kenz I'm serious. What are you talking about?

Kenziepoo17: I'm talking about how you went behind my back and made out with Haley!!😡😡

Calummm77: Oh... That

Kenziepoo17: Yeah, THAT

Calummm77: Kenzie it was a mistake. It means nothing. I promise.

Kenziepoo17: oh yeah?? It looks to me like you were having the time of your life!

Calummm77: Babe, come on now. Don't be like this.

Kenziepoo17: Don't call me babe. Especially if I'm not dating you.

Calummm77: Wait what?

Kenziepoo17: I'm done with you Calum. You can go make out with Haley for the rest of your life because I'm officially DONE.

Calummm77: Woah, Kenzie please give me a chance.

I didn't want to hear any more. I shut down my phone and threw it on the bed. I put my head on my knees and cried sorrowfully.


"Look, Beverly. I enjoyed this, I really did. I'm so sorry," was all I said before dashing off into the bathroom, ignoring Beverly's calls for my name and apologies.

I locked the bathroom stall door and I sat in the same position I did when I cried because of Calum and Haley. Tears started to slowly trickle down my face and stifled a few sobs.

My whole life was absolutely horrific.

I'm a failure.

I have no purpose.

These phrases kept replaying in my head. I felt like everything was my fault. Janice knows what happened and she just uses it to add fuel to the fire. Haley is now her best friend and Calum transferred to a school in Chicago, Illinois when his dad got a job there.

I wiped all my tears away. They weren't worth crying over. My heart ached and my head hurt but I finally realized that I was blind.

It wasn't my fault

I didn't do anything

I shouldn't fault myself for something I didn't even do.

I pulled out a pocket mirror and quickly redid my makeup before stepping out of the bathroom. And guess who God let me catch out of the corner of my eyes.

My face almost lit up but I pulled out my phone and took a video of Colette and Haley kicking Olivia Hart in the knees. She trembled and pushed up her black geeky glasses. Haley kicked her again. Her legs were weak and let her fall to the ground. I tried to look away but then the video wouldn't be filmed so my eyes were glued to the screen. Colette pushed Olivia's upper body against the lockers, legs still limp and shouted,"And don't you EVER try to take my spot as Queen Bee." With that, Colette and Haley stormed off.

I finished off the video and looked intently at Olivia, inspecting her body. She had beautiful, radiant blonde hair I a French braid. When she got up, her perfectly painted fingernails pushed against the floor and her hands ran up her long, slender legs. She was absolutely stunning. Now I see why Colette is jealous.

Dance Moms Bullied: Mackenzie ZeiglerWhere stories live. Discover now