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Guys, you are amazing. I freaking logged onto this account and saw that I had 63 NOTIFICATIONS LIKE HOLY CRAP! ANYWHO I would LOVE to update this story for you wonderful people but unfortunately I'm not really in the love mood.... I recently broke up with my boyfriend and it was a great relationship and as much as I don't want to I miss it a lot and I really wish it was still happening.

I just learned that he's moving 16 hours away because apparently and I quote "there's nothing left for him here" so, that's happening. And I wish I could say it doesn't hurt and not be lying but it does hurt and I wish he was staying here.

So yeah... I'm so sorry for you people who actually read my stuff you guys are awesome! Xx luv you!!


Okay so this 'good relationship' I was so upset about ended because he couldn't take a joke that I played on him over Kik messenger. I was fourteen at the time we date, maybe even thirteen and he was seventeen. I was edgy at the time and I wanted to make it a bigger deal than it was because it was one of my first relationships that was face to face and not just over a screen (for the most part).

Reading back on this now and seeing how much I've grown and how much worse my recent break ups have been is so hilarious to me.

anyway, carry on with your day :)

//edited July 2019

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