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I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't updated in forever! It has been hectic with exams but now it's over!! Yay for summer! Here is a filler chapter but I promise the next one after this will be really long! 

Ps my chapter got deleted twice so that added onto my long wait. 

Love you guys!

Abby xx


*8 years ago*

"Hey darling a new boy just moved in across the street! How about you go introduce yourself!" My mom says to me

I grunt and slowly get off of the couch. I slide on my black leather Sperry's and open the front door.

I look across the street to where the moving vans are. That was where my best friend Sasha lived. Her dad got a job in France so she had to move and now I knew absolutely nobody. Well nobody that I liked anyway.

I don't think that I will like the new family. For some reason, it feels like its their fault for 'taking' her house.

I cross the newly paved street onto the stone driveway that I knew so well. We always used to ride our longboards down the hill.


My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a VERY handsome boy yelling in my face.

His mop of curly hair fell perfectly over his head. His glowing smile just lights up everything and everyone around him. Thats hard when you are outside ;). My knees feel weak. Oh my gosh. His eyes are stunning! His green orbs surround his dilated pupils, making me fall onto them...


I'm supposed to hate him.

He took my friends house away.

"Can you come with me for a second?" He asks and without even waiting for an answer, he pulls me past his house, into the wood by the park.

"Um excuse me but I didn't catch your name." I say as politely as possible.

"Harry. Harry Styles." He says, "And yours?" He asks.

"Madeline. But you can call me Maddie."

"I like that name." He simply states.

My face turns red when I realize that our hands are interlocked. Harry doesn't seem to mind and I DEFINITELY don't either. After about 5 minutes of tell each other about ourselves, we reach a large tree. Wait, that's not only a tree, it's also a treehouse!

"How did you find this Harry?" I ask as he starts climbing up stairs built into the tree, following him.

"I went exploring earlier." He replies.

I'm sorry but as he was climbing up the stairs above me, my female instincts kicked in and I couldn't help but look at his butt. I blushed and turned away, trying to distract myself.

I was relieved when we finally reached the top of the tree. My breath was taken away as I saw the treehouse.

Branches weaved in and out of the walls and windows. Seats made out of tree logs were on the side and in the middle, candles. Dozens of them. Different sizes and shapes.

"Harry, are you sure that it is safe to have candles in a tree?" I tentatively ask.

"They're fake." He says a smile creeping on his face.

My face goes blood red and it feels hot.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look when you blush." He says. My heart drops, in a good way. He likes me!!

Suddenly, beautifully, Harry starts singing 'Isn't She Lovely' as he slowly walks towards me, while I'm frozen in place.

When he finishes the last line, our foreheads are almost touching. And then he leans in. It was a slow, sweet kiss. His lips tasted of chocolate. They were soft and perfect. Our bodies molded together, and fit, like 2 puzzle pieces. I ran my fingers through his curly hair and he grasped my waist. I pull out of the kiss and then we just look at each other.

It's gonna be hard to hate him

*end of flashback*


I love that chapter! Please comment! I love talking to you guys!

Don't forget to vote!

Abby xx

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