Chapter Two

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"I'm FIRED?! Mark you've got to be kidding me! I've been working here 24 years, why am I getting fired?" George was almost out of his chair, knuckles white with tension ready to leap at the man in front of him.

"George, please calm down. There's a difference between fired and being let go. If you were being fired, you wouldn't be getting next week's paycheck. Instead we are in the unfortunate position of being in a bad economy and not having the money to support so many employees. And because you've been such a great worker I'm giving you an extra 4 months' pay. I truly am sorry George but unfortunately you were a worker we could spare." Mark was doing his best to stay calm but was a little worried looking at George's tense position in his chair. He may have been average height but his bulky build made up for half of it, the other half was by his stern face that always seemed to be set in a serious expression and grew fearsome when he was angry.

"Mark I can't calm down. You know I'm barely making ends meet as it is. I've got to keep my baby in school and help her through college. How am I supposed to do that now? I already know a bunch of contractors are getting laid off, some are even getting forced into early retirement. And obviously, there's no one hiring. A job at the shopping center ain't gunna help me support my family. I need this job Mark!"

"I'm sorry George but there's nothing else I can do. You're the sixth person we've had to let go in the last year, I don't like it any more than you do. Like I said after your last paycheck, you'll be getting an extra 4 months' pay, and that's all I can do."

After he took a few seconds to calm down, he relaxed and said through barely gritted teeth "Make it 8 months' pay and I won't make a scene. You owe me that much."

"Owe you? For what? I'm the one being generous here." Mark was exasperated. The gall this man had to say that he owed him!

The scowl had returned "Yes you owe me. Or do I have to remind you of the many weeks that I took over for you at the yard while you were on vacation? And as I recall you never paid me for doing your job. 8 months' pay isn't nearly enough to cover all the work I did for you, but it'll be good enough for my daughter and I."

As Mark's cheeks began to turn red, he signed the papers that would be releasing George from his job, along with letters of recommendation for possible employers. George read the release papers over and attempted to come to terms with reality.

Mark nodded his head and shook hands with George as he whispered a thank you, then George walked out of the office. With each step, he tried to figure out a good way to tell his daughter he couldn't sustain their life in Hawaii any longer and that they'd have to move. Unfortunately, they didn't even have a house to sell since they were renting the one they lived in now, so they would have to move in with someone that could support them. And he didn't think Mina would like the place he was thinking of.

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This is how he brakes the news to me? Two months before I graduate he gets laid off, now I have to put off college, oh and we're moving to freaking Scotland! Mina is practically screaming in her head.

"Tell me you're kidding? Wait why Scotland, where did that even come from? I can understand Canada because that's where Nana's family is, and I am thankful that's not the plan, but why Scotland?" She started to ramble from all the energy coursing through her.

"Mina you will sit down right now! If you think I'm happy about this then you'd be completely mistaken. You will sit down, let me explain, and calm yourself." Mina did as told and sat down to let her father explain. It would take some time for her to be calm though.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "I do not have a job, and I have no idea where to start looking for one. All the construction yards here are laying off workers, and Hawai'i is just too expensive to have a salary lower than what I had which is why we are leaving Hawai'i. I've only been to the mainland a few times to meet with other companies, and I asked if there were any positions open that I could take and give me a good salary. Only two had positions open but they were either for lower salaries or I just didn't meet the requirements. And I don't want to move to the mainland with no plan of how to start again there. And like you said, Nana's family in Canada wouldn't have worked well for either of us." He stopped and looked at her, waiting for her reaction.

"Ok, I get it. And I'm grateful you took the time to tell me everything, now get to the part about Scotland." Crossing her arms and pulling her legs up onto the couch, she waited for her dad to finish his explanation.

"Well bottom line is we need support, and since your grandmother was out of the question I called up my cousins in Scotland who have been living pretty well there, and they've agreed to let us live at their vacation house as long as we need to. All we have to do is pay for food and electricity, which means you'll have to get a job." He took a deep breath obviously upset about the situation.

"Ok and what are you going to do? Sit on the couch, go to the beach, check out the local pubs?" I'm angry, and yes, I'm being irrational but, I mean come on. This sucks!

"Wilhelmina Ailsa Pomaika'i Wallace, you will check that attitude. I will be flying in and out to the mainland to find another job. I don't plan on a permanent residence in Scotland, so you'll have to stay at the house and work. I'm sure you'll make some friends and the city is only a short drive from the house, so if you get deathly bored you can just drag yourself out there. You still have two months here so make the best of it, and I do not want to hear that attitude from you until we get to Scotland." George was pointing his finger and everything. He wasn't one for drama so when he starts talking with his hands, Mina knows it's time to shut up.

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