Chapter Three

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        Hey guys, or who ever is reading this, it might just be me. Anyway, hopefully this holds you over for a bit. I'm excited to write more of Jac and Roderick, I'm already irritated with Mina haha so sassy and sensitive. I hope you all like it so far. I'll do my best to update regularly but it will probably be slow, so bear with me.


"Mina I swear if one more thing comes out of your mouth that's negative, I will personally tie you to one of the chairs and let you freeze." George said exasperated.

She couldn't help it, how is it her fault that they had to move in August? A part of her wished they could have lived on the mainland, well the mainland of Scotland, near Edinburgh or another more populated area of the country. Though she was grateful to be on a small island that was more rural than city. It reminded her of home.

"Well why the heck is it so cold, in the summer? The Summer?! I mean how has no one turned into a popsicle?" Mina asked. She had on her best jacket but the sharp, icy wind was already biting through it causing her teeth to chatter every time she stepped outside.

"Billy, it's only 68. This is warm, plus it's almost 6 o'clock." George told her as he unpacked one of their kitchen boxes, "I would have thought that the temperature would drop more by now. You're lucky it isn't colder." He chuckles to himself at his wimpy daughter.

"Well" she hefted the box she was carrying to get a better grip, "if you call me Billy one more time I will tie you to a chair and personally rip off your tongue." Ok not so wimpy George thinks after that response.

"What's wrong with Billy?" Comes a soft sweet voice from the front door, startling enough for Mina to let out a shriek and drop the box that she was carrying up the stairs to her bathroom. It rattled down the stairs quite violently and opened on the second bounce, spilling half the contents among the last three steps and the floor. Luckily Mina had the sense to pack all the bottles in individual baggies in case they exploded, or got thrown down the stairs.

The older lady looks embarrassed and apologetic for having scared Mina so much and immediately came over to help pick up the Knick knacks. She grabbed a stool that was sitting next to another box preferring to sit and bend instead of the old 'bend and snap your back'.

"I'm so sorry dear! I didn't mean to frighten you like that. I see all your shampoos and things made it through the accident, but are you alright dear? No scrapes or bruises yes?" This old lady was so sweet and Mina loved the way she talked. She couldn't quite place the accent though which was bugging her. She was usually good at guessing accents.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you ma'am."

"Oh goodness sweetheart, I'm much too young to be called ma'am but I am grateful for the politeness you're showing an old kicker like me." The lady chuckled probably realizing she just contradicted herself. "Anyway, my name is Jac and that old bugger in the doorway is my husband Roderick. We're your neighbors and thought we'd come to offer you some fruit and Scottish milk."

"Thank you ma'am. Er sorry, Jac. But I'm good, uh Dad?" So many questions!

"Yea I'd love some actually. It's been years since I've had some good Scottish milk. Don't worry honey, it's not alcoholic. You should try some, it's great!" George said enthusiastically, lifting a glass to his lips, sighing after he took a big gulp. Mina was still apprehensive about trying it, so she tried to change the subject.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, why Jac? Did your parents think you were going to be a boy when you were born?" Mina asked with curiosity. She had a thing about girls with boy names and vice versa.

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