Chapter Four

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"You're leaving already? We've only been here for two weeks dad. You can't wait another two?" Mina followed her dad around the house as he was searching for things he would need on this trip.

"Mina I told you I would be going to and from the mainland looking for jobs so we wouldn't have to stay here in Scotland. How fast do you want to get back to the states?" He had a point, Mina knew, she just didn't want her dad to leave so soon. With him gone, she would be in the house by herself and she still hadn't found a job yet.

"I hate it when you throw my words back in my face." George chuckled as Mina only scowled. "How long are you going to be gone? Not more than a couple of weeks right?" Without saying a word, George just stood up and looked forlornly at his daughter, the silent confirmation passing between them. Great... Mina thought with oozing sarcasm.

"You are calling every night you old futt! I need to make sure no one tries to mug you since I'm not there to protect you!" George knew how paranoid his daughter got when he was away. She watched way too many crime shows and it was really affecting her.

"I promise I will make sure that whoever mugs me, knows that they will have a very upset and violent teenager coming after them if they do!" George gave his daughter a hug before he ran out the door. "I love you baby. Take care of yourself ok?"

"I will daddy. Love you too." And with that, George was out the door, on his way to the airport. Roderick was nice enough to offer to take George over there and make sure he got through security all right. Mina was very grateful to the couple that had befriended them their first day in Mull. She had even started calling Roderick 'Rick', knowing it irritated him just as much Billy irritated her. It usually led to a petty silence ending with Jac swooping in to the rescue, along with some Scottish milk and bagels. Mina thought it was an odd mix, but she was at least learning to love the local drink.

As Mina watched her father drive away, she turned back to the house almost forgetting that Ja c had offered to come over and keep her company for the first night. Jac had already started making a dinner that Mina was very nervous to try; Haggis. During one of their visits to the house, Jac had asked if the father and daughter had any favorite Scottish dishes that they had tried or hadn't tried, offering to cook for them if they wanted. George, to Mina's dismay, had mentioned that he always wanted to see her try Haggis for the first time. She never liked the idea of eating meat that wasn't a common cut and wasn't actual flesh; i.e. liver, kidneys, eyeballs, intestines, and stomachs.

Jac looked up from her work for a moment to study Mina. "You gunna be alright love?" there was no doubting the sincerity in her voice.

"I guess." She paused. "I really don't know Jacqueline, it was one thing when dad would go on trips when we lived in Hawaii. You know that was home. But I'm still new here, and I'm still scared of being alone here."

"Well, that's why I'm with you, wee...em...oh how do you say that name again?" it took Mina a hot second to figure out what she was asking and then recalled Jac's excitement at the nickname her uncle used to call her.

"Opihi. Oh-pee-hee. Its ok, you don't have to call me that."

"But I want to. Feels like there's a bit of Hawai'i right here in Scotland." Jac grinned at the young girl, loving the feeling of being needed and wanted. The relationship between the two of them had grown over the past two weeks. Really Jac was Mina's only friend. Sparking a memory, Mina went out on a limb and inquired

"Um Jac, you wouldn't happen to know if there's any places in town that are hiring or looking for workers? I'm going to need something to busy myself with while my dad's gone. And I refuse to stay stuck in this house every day."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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