Chap. 9 & 10

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Ch. 9

“LAURA AMILIA SANTOS CORDOBA VINCHENZI GREGGORIO FIGORETTI!” Carlos Santos’ voice startled Laura from her thoughts. She was sketching on her patio enjoying an espresso while she did, clad in loose cotton shorts and her robe.


He was in England? And he was pissed. The only time Carlos used all her names was when he was extremely upset. It had only happened twice before in Laura’s life, both of which involved his business, but Laura didn’t know what he was yelling about this time. Carlos came onto the patio, his cell phone in his hand which he brandished at her.

“Why did you not answer your phone?!” He demanded.

“I’m not with my phone, Papa, what are you doing in England?”

“I will ask the questions!” He snapped at her. “Why in the world did you turn down Marco’s proposal?”

“How do you know about that?” Laura demanded back.

“Answer the question!” Carlos demanded, hitting the newspaper in his hand against the table she sketched at.

“It’s none of your business!” Laura snapped back, and he snarled.

“Of course it’s my business! He could be a potential business partner! A great person to have in my corner, Laura!” Carlos turned away from her, swearing and pacing the patio floor. Laura stared at him in shock. He was reacting like this because of business? Suddenly, the whole thing dawned on Laura. Marco had asked Carlos for her hand, and Carlos had agreed solely based on business.

“This is about business to you.” Laura said, still in disbelief. Carlos stopped suddenly, and he looked at her, squinting at her. “You want me to marry Marco because it’s good for business. You don’t care about what I want-“

“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I care what you want-“

“No, you don’t.” Laura said, folding her arms. “You care about what is best for business, not whether or not I want to be with Marco for the rest of my life!”

“And what is so wrong with Marco?” Carlos demanded. “He is a nice boy, a good boy, and he has a great mind for business! It is a win for the family, Laura, it is for the family.” He said firmly, and Laura smiled sadly at him.

“I am not marrying Marco. Now if you would excuse me, I have far more important things to do today.” Laura gestured towards the front door before sitting back down and taking up her sketch book again.

“If this is about Alexei Giovanni…,” Carlos warned in a low voice, and Laura stilled. “You will not be seeing him anymore, Laura. Marco is your only option, not Alexei Giovanni. Do not go out with him again, Laura, or I shall make sure you never so much as see him again.”

The door slammed after Carlos, and Laura threw down her pencil in frustration, not knowing what to do.

“What is wrong?” Alexi demanded from behind his desk as soon as Laura walked into his office. He had meant to pick her up for lunch as he always did, but some meetings had run over and he had sent for her to be delivered to his office instead. He took one look at her, noting the slight bruising under her eyes beneath her natural make up and the way her elegant fingers were picking at her always flawless nail polish, and he knew something was wrong. He was in tune to her, could tell with just a glance that she wasn’t her usual self; something was bothering her. Laura shook her head, looking so much like a child.

“Nothing, everything is fine.” She replied, walking across to the chairs in front of his desk and running her hand over one of them, not making eye contact. “I’ve never been to your office before.” She said, and he twirled his pen between his fingers.

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