chapter 17

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Barely able to sleep and very determined to show Alexei she didn’t need him, Laura dressed when she woke at seven in a coral colored skirt that swished around her thighs, and a light pink camisole. Sliding her feet into sandals and grabbing her sunglasses, Laura made her way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Louis was there, and she shooed Laura away, insisting she go sit on the patio while Louis brought her something to eat. Reluctantly, Laura went onto the patio and sat watching the breeze rustle through the trees. In a moment like this, Laura could almost forget that she was forced into a fake marriage, with a man who hadn’t even stayed faithful for two weeks.

            After a hasty breakfast, Laura took the Audi into town again, this time only managing to stall out three times on her way there and back. She hoped Alexei wouldn’t be angry, then she remembered that she couldn’t care less about how Alexei felt, and she shifted into 4th gear with difficulty and a grinding of the gears. After purchasing some new sketch pencils and papers, Laura returned to the house and wandered along the grassy plains in the backyard. Finally coming to rest in a field of tall grass, Laura plopped down and sketched the scenery almost effortlessly. Rolling onto her back, Laura covered her eyes with her arm and sighed, closing her eyes. Her arm fell away as she let the sun bathe her skin, and she didn’t hear him approaching.

            “Buongiorno, signora.” His voice was as melodic as ever, and Laura would have jumped out of her skin if it wasn’t so soothing.

            “Buongiorno.” She replied, keeping her eyes closed. She could hear him sit down beside her, could practically feel his body heat. Her skin came alive with goose bumps at his closeness, even though she should be mad at him.

            “You went out without guards again today.” He said, and Laura snapped at him.

            “Yes well, I’m an adult stuck in the middle of nowhere in Madrid. Nothing is going to happen to me.”

            He didn’t answer at first, then she heard the rustling of paper and knew he had picked up her sketch book. She sat up quickly, reaching for it, but he kept it out of her reach easily with an amused look on his face. “Give it to me!” She demanded, and he nearly laughed at her.

            “Non, you are acting like a spoilt child.”

            “Me?! I am not the one who acts like a child!” Her eyes flashed at him and Alexei lowered the book slightly.

            “What are you insinuating?”

            “That you act like a child!” She threw at him, lunching for the book, but he kept it out of her reach again.

            “What do you mean by this?”

            “Goddamn it,” Laura said, turning away from him, her eyes nearly filling with tears.

            “Laura, what is wrong?”

            “Nothing.” She managed to say, calming down. “I would like my sketch book please.”

            “Not until you tell me why you are upset with me.”

            “I’m not upset with you.” She lied, and he sighed.

            “You must stop lying to me, Laura, you forget how well I know you. You are upset with me, I am sure of it.”

            “And how are you so sure?” She demanded, finally looking at him. He had a small smile on his lips.

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