chap. 15

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Laura offered a thank you as she turned away from the small mirror she had been mixing her vein in. Lizzie hadn’t let her look in a full length mirror yet and it was killing her to see what she looked like. Grabbing the front of her dress in her hands, Laura stepped up to the mirror, and looked, Alexei’s words playing in her head as she surveyed herself. “People are going to need to believe that we are not just having a fling, but that we have fallen in love and want to be together for years.”

            Staring back at her, was a bright eyed, gorgeous woman. With her hair halfway pulled up, the sweetheart neckline of her dress was modest and sexy at once. The lace and pearl detailing, including the all lace sleeves, were what made Laura fall in love with it, and she had bought it without even trying it on. “It has to look real.” Alexei had insisted as he’d opened the door to the bridal shop and ushered her inside. “It has to be your dream wedding, so get the dress you’d love to be married in. Price is no concern.” Either way, it fit her like a glove, fitted at the bust and molding lovingly along her hips and down to the floor. It was a little dramatic, but Laura couldn’t make herself stop thinking about it after she saw it.

            “Ready?” Lizzie asked, and Laura took a deep breath, then nodded.

            Tall, suave, gorgeous, and clad in a custom made Armani tuxedo, Laura could barely keep her eyes off her new husband from across the room. It gave her chills to say that, and sent a little thrill through her heart. She said it in her head a few times, trying to get used to it, but she couldn’t. Even her new name was hard to get used to. Laura Giovanni. What a name. But it was all just for show, Laura reminded herself sternly. That wasn’t a real priest, the ceremony wasn’t legitimate, it was all for show, you’re married in name only. Her eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the many members of her family mixed in with Alexei’s business associates. He told her he had no family, and left it at that, declining to take part in the seating arrangements for the reception. Everything was business with these men, Laura reminded herself, and it was enough to suddenly cast a grey cloud over her otherwise great day.

            “May I have this dance?” Alexei murmured behind her. Laura turned to see Alexei extending his hand to her, and all eyes on them. Putting her hand in his, Laura let him draw her up and onto the dance floor. He pulled her close to him, and the music started. Laura was surprised to hear the song, and she looked up at him, the shock written on her face. It was the same song they had danced to so long ago,  the night they met again, and he was playing it for her now. Alexei merely shrugged.

            “What, you are the only one who remembers? I remember, Laura.” He said softly, drawing her back against him, his lips at her ear. “I remember everything.”

            Laura closed her eyes then, the on flow of emotions just too much, and she rested her cheek against his chest.

            “Laura, we have to go.” Alexei said again, impatiently. She was standing in the empty ballroom where the reception had been held. It was nearly 7 in the evening, and all the guests were outside, waiting to see the bride and groom off, but Laura didn’t care. He was going to show, she insisted, her father was going to show. He hadn’t come to the ceremony, but she knew he would show up to the reception, at some point or another, he would show. And when he did, she would be waiting for him.

            With a sigh, Alexei placed his hands on her shoulders. “Laura, he is not going to show.”

            “What if he does and I’m not here?” She demanded. “No, I’m staying.”

            “He is not coming, Laura.” Alexei said sternly this time. “Now we must go, or we will miss our flight.”

            “I do not care!” Laura said, wrenching out of his grip, turning her back to him and folding her arms, standing just as firm as he was. This was her wedding, damn it, real or fake, and he couldn’t make her leave. Laura gasped in surprise as she was suddenly swung into the air and into strong arms. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around a strong neck and looked up into Alexei’s face as he walked them towards the door, carrying her like the bride she was.

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