The Week Before Thanksgiving

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(Sesshomaru's pov)

"Daddy can we go out and hunt for an enormous turkey???" Rina asked wagging her tail. "Maybe, we have to see what we are going to for thanksgiving. We might eat with Mommy's parents home." Rina and Storm looked at me with their heads tilted, "We haven't me them before... have we?" Storm asked. I chuckled a little, "You see them, and it's a demon-free zone." They smiled and they cheered knowing they'd be safe. Orochimaru looked at me and smiled a little. Kagome came towards the kids and I, "Well, I hope you don't mind but Mom said we can spend a few night there until Thanksgiving and come home the next day if that's what we want." Kagome explained. The kids looked at me and gave me their best puppy eyes, even Orochimaru did. "That sounds like a good plan." Everyone cheered and ran to there rooms. The kids pulled out there suitcases. "We're not staying for three months sillies." Kagome giggled when she saw them come out with huge suitcases. The kids grabbed smaller bags with clothes and their necessities. We did the same but we shared a bag. 

"We're ready Daddy!!" The kids yelled in excitement. "Okay, Kagome, are you ready?" Kagome walked over to us and nodded. 

~At the well~ 

"Wait?? They live in there?" Rina Asked confused. "Hehe, No sweetie. This is an old Well that took me here and back to my time." Kagome explained. "Okay, Hold my hand," Everyone held each others hand and we all went in. In seconds, we made it to Kagome's time. "We're here" The kids smiled and quickly climbed out of the Bone eaters Well. "Grammy!!" The kids ran up to the door and Kagome walked behind the kids and opened the door. The kids walked in the house and I followed after Kagome. "Kids! Kagome, It's so nice to see you. And you too Sesshomaru." Kagome's mother said with a smile. I smiled back at her and we walked into her kitchen, "You all grown so much." The kids smiled, even Orochimaru smiled. I know he didn't know anyone other then us. "An who is this young man?" 

"M-me?" Orochimaru asked. Mom nodded her head, "I'm Orochimaru." 

"That's an interesting name," Orochimaru was nervous on what she was going to say next, "I like it!" Orochimaru looked at his Grammy and smiled. 

(Orochimaru's pov) 

At first, I thought she wasn't going to like me. Like I was a nasty demon or something. It was nice to be around people who accepted me for who I was and who I am now. "So, I have your bedrooms set up for the nights." My parents smiled and Grammy led us to them. "Kagome and Sesshomaru, I still have the room set iup to how you liked it. And the kids are across the hall. And I set those beds up already." Raven, Rina, Rin, Storm, and I walked into the room we were going to sleep in. "There's only two beds in here." Rina said with sadness. "That means we have to share beds or sleep on the floor." Raven sighed. "Me and Rina can share a bed," Rin said. Raven and I looked at each other and I shrugged. "That means you three can share a bed since they are full beds and not a twin bed." Rina said with a slight smile. Raven looked at me then Storm, "I don't mind sharing a bed." Raven said with a smile. Not everyone sees him smile a lot. "Well that settles it then." We nodded. 

I walked out the room and went to Mom's and Dad's room. "Was there enough beds?" I shook my head, "We figured everything out though." I looked at Dad. He nodded and We talked a little while and did whatever else I had to do. We  walked out and to the kitchen. "Are you guys hungry?" We nodded and Grammy gave us some food for our lunch seems how it was around One o'clock. "Thanks Grammy." Mom walked in the kitchen and looked at Grammy, "Mom? Where's Grandpa?" Grammy looked at Mom, "He was getting older and is now in a Home. He said It would be less work for me. I still don't like it." Kagome flattened her eyes, "Oh. Can I visit him?" Grammy nodded her head and said she'd like to go, which lead to all of us going. 

(Raven's pov) 

I was nice to be out of the house for a while. Now we're in this thing called a 'car'. Mom took me,Dad, and Orochimaru, and Grammy took Rina, Rin, and Storm. We pasted all these things. They were so tall. I think they are called 'Buildings' , Yeah! buildings! I haven't really been an exciting person, but it was interesting passing these things. Mom was um... d-driving on the roads and about ten minutes we made it to the Home Grams was talking about. 

We hopped out the car and walked in to the desk with a lady on the phone. Grammy said what she said, I wasn't really paying attention because I saw a lot of older people. "C'mon Raven." Orochimaru pulled my sleeve and I followed behind him. We entered the door that says B36. An old man was in a chair watching tv and then looked our way. "Kagome!" He said with happiness and opening his arms. Momma walked over and hugged our Great Grandfather. "I see you and your husband are doing well." He sniffled, "It feels like only yesterday you were young and still lived with us." A tear rolled down his face. "Aww, I'm still young and I will alway be young in your eyes." Everyone including me had tears in our eyes. "And look your Kids grew in like five seconds." He laughed with happiness. "Yeah they grew like weeds." Mom said fixing her beanie. 'I guess he doesn't know or she's trying to hide it from others. I guess her tail too. 

After a few hours of staying, We went back to Grammy's but before we did. They took us some where other then home. After about 15 minutes, we go to some place called, "Yamato Japanese House of Steak". 

"Welcome you guys' first restaurant." I looked at Orochimaru, who looked at confused as I was. Walking in, with our hats on an our tails tucked in, we smell different varieties of food. "MMM, I smells good."  Rina said rubbing her stomach. Mom ordered a Yaki Chicken, Dad got Yaki Steak, and the rest of us got chicken katsu. We sat at the tables by the window and sat down.After getting our meals, we picked up out chop stick, because that's i'm used to using, "Thanks for the meal." we all said and began to eat. "I really like this Momma." Rina smiled and continued to eat.  

While eating I couldn't help but think of how we now are treat Orochimaru with Kindness and it made me happy to see him more happy. We got home and we got dressed out into our pajamas and we laid in our beds and of course I was in the middle of Storm and Orochimaru. I turned to Orochimaru thankful that he found us to be his new family. 

I know that was horrible but here it is before Thanksgiving I will try to give y'all a chapter either on Thanksgiving or a day before. Thanks for reading and I will try to update soon.

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