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Forced To Marry



* Annabella's POV *

Ethan lead me to his " private mall " which surprisingly inside his house. He let me in to the elevator and pressed the button 8 floor. Eight.

Eight in my favourite number. I don't why exactly, but for me Eight is my lucky number. Then if you put eight into horizontal you'll infinite sign that means forever or for me lucky.

I stood up in the elevator, looking at the doors, and so on Ethan. The silent was uncomfortable. I saw Ethan finger tapped rhymctally to the elevator wall which was the evidence he was also uncomfortable to the silent.

I cleared my throat to break the silence, and it's get Ethan's attention. He saw me and raised one of his eyebrow questionly.

" Everything all right? " he asked.

" Yeah, fine. " And Im trying my best to smile.


Oh thank lord, Im really can't stand for all of this mess right now with the guy- that soon will be my husband.

" After you, my lady." he said, like a gentleman, and I gave him a sly smile.

When I stepped out from the elevator, I saw nothing but I just a cream wall. Then Ethan take my hand and we started walking, until we stopped in front of a glass door, where I can see how big was the mall,  and there's a man in a suite - I guess one of his worker, standing infront the glass door.

" Ethan Giovanny." he said.

" Yes, sir." the man said, and he started to tapped something on the ipad. " May I ask you why do you want to entry this private mall, sir? " he asked.

" Can't you see my girlfriend, here? " he snapped with pressuring the word girlfriend. I flinched at the though. Girlfriend?

Then the man tapped again at the ipad and he said something in a really small low voice that I can't hear.

" You may come in, sir. And there's a fashion artist that will be arrive in 5 minutes and will accompany your girlfriend in collecting her clothes, and the limited edition was already arrive here..." and he tapped at the ipad again. " and the latest edition of summer clothes was already delivered here, and if Miss Frances need anything to design her clothes, I'm already asked the fashion designer of Louis Vutton to come today - " he tapped at the ipad again. " He was on his way here, and there's a cafe inside of it. "

" Thank you." Ethan said, without even looking at him. The man went to the small table beside us and tapped on the passcode lock. 54231.

five four two three one

And the doors automatically opened.

" Please enjoy your self, Mr. Giovanny, Ms. Frances. " he said. " And if there's any problem, just called me. " he said.

" Thank you." I said, and smiled.

" My pleasure, Ms Frances." and just then he taked my hand and kiss one of my knuckles. I felt a sharp breath besides me and I turn to see Ethan, his face was confroted with anger and jealousy. What's the big problem? Like he's not kissing my mother's hand.

" You. Are. Fired." he said. And I gasped at him. The man looked confused and panic. " W-what- did- I-I..I-is t-that something w-wrong? "

Ethan didn't bother to answer him and I don't wanna defend that guy, like saying " oh Ethan, why are you like that, It's not like you are not kissing my mother's hand! " 

It sounds like, Im defending that guy and hope that Ethan changed his mind because his oh-so-girlfriend said to him. I don't want to. I want to change my attitude, all of my attitude. No more pityfull, kindness, all of it was just faked. It's my new choice now.

So, I kept quite. The reason I did this is to gain Ethan's trust, so maybe he can fall for me. It just feels like he is testing me, wanted to seeing my reaction.

Ethan pulled out a check and write on how much the check contains.


He handed the man the check and the man was still in shocked. He looks like 26 or maybe 27. " Take this." Ethan said. " Don't come back and find another job." The man was still shocked and can't even said anything. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

" Is that not enough? Want me to make it millions? " Ethan snapped. " N-n-no, sir, it's more than en-nough, I ju-st d-dont understand why I get fired." he said.

" Think it yourself." Ethan said in a cold voice and glared at him. " Who give you a right to kiss my girlfriend's knuckles?! " he roared. The man gasped in shock.

" Oh-oh m-my Im so sorry s-sir, I don't mean anything! I swear! My mother was France and it's a pleasure sign! S-sir please, I need to w-work. I need to pay my bills! "

" Alright. I'll pay you all your bills, just get the hell out from here. I don't care about your France's culture, but for me, it is a very intimade move. Get.out.now. " Ethan said and pressing all of the words.

" O-okay, s-sir." and the man running. I felt kind of sorry to him, but my new life, no sorry.

I looked at Ethan and he started to walk into the mall, and the door closed itself. He stunned at the moment and take a long deep breath. I was standing behind of him and used all of my confident to wrapped my arms around his waist - which I did, and oh my god, I've just got a strengh to do that.

Ethan was still stunned at the moment and the started to relax. " I'm sorry." I said quitely. " I didn't mean anything and didn't want to make you worry about me, and sorry if I kinda make it a big messed up. If you're not in mood anymore. I'm going home." I whispered in his ear and rested my chin on his broad shoulder.

He quite for a moment and then took my hand, guiding them until they reached his chest and he pressed my hand against his chest, and I can feel his heartbeat was fast. Suddenly he spunned me around and looked me in his brown hazelnut eyes.

He caressed my cheeks and suddenly kissed me. I'm so shocked. Yes, damn it. I don't even know, how to respond it. But it feels like a pattern, so I moved my lips against him in sync and he kissed me hard. His hands were wrap my waist tightly and I put my hand on his chest. Then, he pulled away because we need to catch a breath, and in heavy breathing, he said.

" You are the only girl that want and nothing gonna change that."

Boom! I win his trust.



Mission one : Completed





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