Shrek emo? (Part 3)

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As soon as Donald and Shrek were making their way to shrek's outhouse Shrek heard something. No it couldn't be, but is was... FIONA. Shrek couldn't believe his eyes Fiona has gone emo af. She was mad at Shrek. "Shrek I know you stole my black parade cd" Fiona said. "F off Fiona I'm with my new love Donald trump" Shrek said to Fiona. "GIVE ME MY BLACK PARADE CD NOW" Fiona yelled at Shrek. "NO I'M EMO AND I LIKE IT!!!" Shrek did is mighty ogre yell. Then Fiona took out a knife a killed Donald and Shrek right there.

Just call me daddy (Donald trump X shrek a true love story)Where stories live. Discover now