Shreks swamp

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"Donald, we must leave this place" Shrek said "but where  must we go" Donald said "my swamp" Shrek said

When they got to shrek's swamp shrek's ogre babies where there "wtf is Donald racist trump doing with you" the ogre babies said all at once "he is my new love" Shrek said "well u have to pick us r Donald" the ogre babies said "i pick my love trumpy, now leave u ugly little shts" Shrek said. Then Fiona walked out of a room (still emo af). "I thought I killed u and Donald" Fiona said. "Well i'm back btch" Shrek. "c'mon ogre babies let's leave" Fiona said

Then it was just Donald and Shrek, then all you hear Donald say "just call me daddy"
Credits to Maya_trump for coming up with this chapter

Just call me daddy (Donald trump X shrek a true love story)Where stories live. Discover now