Chapter 9

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Lilly's P.O.V

I hear my phone ring so i pick it up right away thinking its Bridget but its not.


"Hello this is doctor bloise and we have the analasis results." Says the doctor

"Ok?" I say impatiently

"Your mother was on a birth control pill also her doctor gave it to her becasu it helps with actney, and that pill caused a blood clot and that is what she died from." Says Doctor Bloise. Could this doctor break the news to me any nicer? I think to myself

"Ya ok thanks look i have to go" i say looking up to the cell phone on air plane mode sign.

"Ok we are really sorry for your loss and have a great trip" She says before hanging up. I turn my cell phone on airplane mode then place my headphones back in. I cant believe it my mom died from a blood clot because of a stupid pill?! It was hours later when the captain finally says we are landing. I look out my window at the goregous ocean

"Here i come Perth the capitol city" i say to myself. I watch in awe as the ocean swirls around as we land i look out my window and look at all the buildings, cars, bikes and people. As we land i look for my aunt and i see her holding up a sign saying 'LILLY' in bold letters. I wave but she doesnt see me i havnt seen my aunt for over 6 years so she probly doesnt regignise me. The plane comes to a stop and i pick up my backpack which contains nothing but the safe that somehow i got away with bringing and my drty clothes from the night we went to the library. I wait my turn to get out an a man says to me

"Are you here on vacation?"

"No im mooving here" i say

"Oh its a nice place here you'll like it" he replies. I get out of my seat and walk out and the heat hits me wow its hotter than California here.

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