chapter 13

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My aunt fixes up my hand, turns out it wasnt sutch a bad cut, but it still hurt like hell.

"Im really tired im just gonna go to bed" says bianca "feel free to stay up how long you want but not too late" she says closing her door. I get my pyjamas on and sit on my bed.

"BANG!" I look up to were the noise came from but i see nothing. I wonder if my aunt has an attic? I find a latter and open the trap door. I just had to know. I open the door and let down the ladder. I climb up it and light the candle i was bringing with me. I walk through the dark attic. I come to an open window and close it right away. I take a deep breath and start to look for a light switch. I trip but quickly regain my balance. I was scared more than i had thought i would be. Suddenly with no breeze or anything i hear a breath breathe out... which isnt mine. Then my candle blows out and im suddenly standing alone in the dark. Then as if on cue the lights flicker on. But they dont stay on they continuesly flicker on and off. 'On off on off on off on...' and they stay on. I see a trunk just like the one that Isabella died in. I walk over to it and with fright but curiosity i open it. I scream because there written in blood on the bottom of the trunk read

"You see i brought my home with me".

I scream in all one moove i turn off the light and climb back down the ladder. I close the trap door and put the ladder back. I slide up against the kitchen wall telling myself

"Please make it stop please make it

Stop please make it stop". Then i decide i had it. I walk into my bedroom and i close the door. I hop onto my bed and hide myself under the covers

*why is this happening to me?! What did i ever do?!* then a faint voice answers my question "because your so young its fun to watch you suffer... and slowly die"

A/N: thanks for my 314 readers! For the next chapter i need 25 more reads and 15 more votes! So get reading an voting!





And keep reading!


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