Chapter 11

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Lilly's P.O.V

I walk into the house and watch as my aunt races off to a crib in the corner. She picks up a baby girl and i patiently look around. There was two parets one was red the other was red, green, orange and yellow. I hear dogs barking and suddenly get a little excited. I see a golden lab puppy and two miniature poodles come racing inside at me. There was 2 poodles 1 was black and the other was buterscotch brown. I pick them up and give them both equal attention petting the lab also. My aunt comes over to me with the baby girl

"This is your cousin Isabella" she says. isabella were did i hear that name before? That ghost girl! Omg this cant be good!

"Thats toopy she says pointing to the Buterscotch coloured poodle and thats binou"she says pointing to the black one. Who the hell names their dogs toopy and Binou?!

"Oh and this is Marley" she says pointing to the golden lab. Suddenly i hear some clattering of something loud dropping. My aunt then races into the kitchen and i follow her. Then i see a 18 month old little boy sitting on the floor crying. He had pots and pans surrounding him.

"Oh and this is Brett" she says strugling to hold both kids. I look around till something onthe wall catches my eye. It was messy writing inpencil itread

'Lilly im still here' isabella i think. I screatch with fright

"Whats wrong?" Asks my aunt worriedly. Then i notice how pretty she is she has long curly blonde hair,blue eyes and shes slim. She has all the right curves and she pritty tall. She looks to be 24 (my mom was 37).

"Uum Lilly?" She wuestions

"Oh im fine just the clattering hurt my ears" i lie.

"Oh im sorry being a single mom with allot of pets and two small children is hard" she says apoligetically.

"Its ok." I reply

"My husband started drinking and he also became a drug addict. He left the city after i broke up with him he just left Australia i dont know were he is and i dont care and he doesnt care about me or the kids" explains my aunt.

"Oh im so sorry" i say

"Im not" she says. Wow my aunt is nice, pretty, young and now humerous. She motions me to follow her and i do.

"Need help?" I ask

"Shure" she replies i let go of the dogs and take hold of the baby girl. She leads me to a bedroom were she places Brett in a crib. She takes Isabella then places her in a crib oposite of Bretts. She then leads me to another bedroom which will be mine. I look around it has a single bed with palm tree printed douvêt. The walls are painted a blue like the ocean. There was a full lenght body mirror in a corner beside the door against a wall. There was a desk against a wall oposite of the bed beside a cherrywood dresser.

"I'll be in the kitchen cooking soop" says my aunt leaving. I put away the one set of clothes i have in the dresser drawer. I place the Safe given to me from my mom in the bottom drawer. Deciding i would look inside later. I place the bag in the drawer with it then i walk to the kitchen to join my aunt.

A/N: managed to remember most of the chapter i had lost so i hoped you guys like it! Thanks to my 277 readers! Keep doing what your doing and i need at least 80 more reads and 20 more votes for the next chapter.







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