Things get better

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As you walk home, you see Ella with a guy who seems angry. He is yelling at her and you can tell she is trying not to cry. You slowly walk closer but, before you get their everything goes slow motion. He slaps her and she falls hard against the bench. Before he gets another slap in, you punch him across the face and he hits the cement hard. He tries to stand back up but you kick his, place where the sun don't shine. He cries out and gets up. You throw punches left, right, and center. He ends up running with a black eye and bloody nose, while you only have a bloody lip. As he runs, Ella gets up and stares at you in astonishment. "Y-You just-" She begins to say. You turn around and she covers her mouth and sees your lip. "Oh no. Your lip Jake~Kun!" Ella screams. "Oh, yea.To be fair, he got more hits than I received." You reply wiping off some blood from your lip. She hugs you tight, and whispers; "I owe you my life Jake~Kun." Your face grows bright red. You hug her back and before you know it, she kisses you. Yea, it kinda hurt with the lip and all but, you don't seem to mind much. Her bus shows up and slowly pulls away. She smiles a sweet smile and gets on the bus. You stare until the bus is out of sight. You put your hand through your hair trying to possess what just happened. Your face grows red in the face again and you just stare in awe, Ella had kissed you.

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