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"Ecxuse me sir, is there anything else I can do for you?" Harry looked up from the crisp white sheets and into the nurse's eyes. She was beautiful, the typical sort of woman he'd flirt with, maybe even get her number, she seemed lovely... But his mind was elsewhere. 

"Is the girl I came in with okay?" He looked down at the bandages wrapped around his ribs. He had stiches on his face but was told that they'd heal within two to three weeks. 

To his question the nurse's mouth shaped into a thin line. "I'm sure she's been in healthier conditions.. Harry. If you don't mind my curiosity, what on earth happened to the poor girl?" 

I threw away her life. 

"It's not something I can talk about." Harry replied politely, the nurse nodded and turned to leave. 

"You'll be able to leave today." She said. 

"What about the girl? Is there anyone with her? She's not alone is she?" 

"She's been unconcious the entire time she's been here, she had no identity on her and even you couldn't tell us her name. We have had no-one to contact, so yes... She is by herself."

The nurse left. 

Harry threw his head back into the pillow's out of frustration, ignoring the wince of pain in his neck. They said he could leave today, he could return to his old life, forget this ever happened. 

But what sort of man would he be if he just left? Harry sat up and slowly swung his legs over the side of his bed. He had his own hospital room and opposite the bed was a mirror, he looked and took in his new appearence. 

He had wounds on both cheeks and a badly bruised eye. Besides that he noticed how his skin looked healthier and figured the nurses must have fed him nutrients whilst he was asleep. 

He stood up and left the room, only to see the pretty nurse outside looking at her notes. 

"Oh you're up." She said, startled. 

"Yeah, err... Could you take me to her?" 

She gave a friendly smile, knowing who he was talking about and begun to lead him through the hospital corridors untill they came too stop outside the intesive care emergency unit. 

"Oh God." Harry said under his breath. Immediatley feeling like shit. 

They walked in and his eyes went over to the machines in the corner.



The girl was laid onn her back almost completely covered in tubes and bandages. Her skin was still pasty and her ribs were protruding out fo her skin even though she was being fed through the tubes. 

"Is.. Is sh-" Harry stuttered, not being able to fully comprehend what has happened to this human being.

The nurse, seeing Harry's discomfort, reassured him. "I'm sure she'll be fine Mr. Styles, I need to go and run errands, are you going to be okay in here?" Harry looked at the nurse, her cheeks were wink and she had naturaly red lips. She was beautiful, deep down Harry wanted her to stay. 

Harry figured he'd want to see a friendly face every now and again"No no, it's okay, I'll be fine uhm, could I get your number?" 

The nurse smiled and did so, writing it down on a spare name tag she had in her work attire. They swapped numbers and she left, leaving Harry next to a broken fragile human being, who he feels responsible for. 

He tried calling out to her. "Hey? Can you hear me?" 


She suddenly stirred and tried rolling over, crying out because the needles in her arms prevented her. 

Her eyes shot open and immediately began to water. Harry ran to the other side whilst shouting to Krista, the nurse whom he'd just exchanged numbers with. 

He carefully helped the girl roll back on to her back just as Krista had ran back into the room. 

"Oh Goodness! She's awake. Okay, let's get her blood pressure." 

Krista ran a few tests and the girl's breathing started to calm down, glancing at Harry she stiffened. Obviously remembering what had happened. 

Krista looked at Harry, then she left, leaving Harry to talk to the girl who he still didn't know her name. 

"Look.. I-" He begun but she cut him off.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say Harry." 

It was the first time she said his name, and it made everything that has happened so much more, the fact that she knows who he is. 

"But I thin-"

"I want you to leave. I want you to go. I want to be able to forget about you and everything that's been done to me. With you around that's not going to happen. So if you have any decent side to your rich and famous body, you would do some good and actually leave." 

Harry took a step back whilst he took in what she said, not being able to say anything but stand there with his mouth open. He looked down to his shoes. 

She was right, he was going to be a constant reminder of all the pain that's been enflicted upon her. She already has to deal with a scarred body, having him trying to do a bodge job at starting a fresh and apologising isn't going to make it any easier for her. It would just help relieve some of the pressure off of his shoulders. 

But deep down Harry knew he didn't deserve to be relieved of the guilt he felt. So it was then he decided to suck it up and deal with it. It was time to move on. 

".. See ya around." He said before taking one last look at her and turning to leave for the last time. 

As he walked through the doors he heard her mutter. "I hope not." 

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