Sub-Zero emotions

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Esmee :) Wanna do something today?

Esmee's throat hitched as she read and re-read the text sent from Harry again and again. It had been three days since she had last seen him and had the alcoholic bolt of confidence as she went in to kiss him. She had supposed that he was taken too far aback and didn't want to speak to her anymore. Regrettably, the thought of Harry not wanting to see her anymore made her feel a little crushed, so receiving that text just then made her glow in a I-shouldn't-be-happy-about-this kind of way.

 A case of the butterflies. She sighed. Almost every hour she thought about Harry and just as often she had to remind herself that he was the bad guy. Leave it atleast 10 minutes before replyingher subconcious was all but begging her to play it cool and not seem overaly keen. 

Still, Esmee managed to wait 6 minutes before hesitantly clicking a reply. 

Hey. What did you have in mind? Send. She mindfully ignored the sudden thump in her chest as she sprawled herself across her bed. Why would he want to take me out? Esmee thought, but before she could think any further her polished iPhone buzzed beside her. 

I have a surprise for you. Can I come and pick you up? :~) 

A surprise?! Esmee smiled and didn't bother waiting it out before replying. 

Okay. You coming now? Send. 

Buzz. I'll be there in 20. Crap. All at once Esmee shot off her bed and danced around her room trying to sort herself out. She didn't know what they were going to do or where they were going, so she played it safe by wearing her smiple topshop jeggins and her Rolling Stones T-shirt. 

She just about pulled her hair to the side in a fish-tail braid when she heard a recognisable rat-a-tat-tat against her front door. 

"I'll get it!" Aunt Anne called from downstairs. 

Uh-oh Esmee cursed silently, knowing her Aunt will not be too pleased seeing Harry standing there with that grin of his. 

"Oh... It's you." She heard her Aunt mutter. In a rush Esmee lept down the stairs, taking two at a time, and skidded on her socks into the hallway. She saw Harry standing in the doorway looking awkward with his eyebrows raised at Esmee's not-so-graceful entrance. 

"AA, don't worry I'll take it from here." Esmee pushed Aunt Anne behind her by her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. 

AA huffed. "I'll be in the other room if you need me." She said to Esmee, notably giving Harry daggers before turing on her heel and slowling hobbling back into the other room. 

"You... Didn't tell her I was coming, did you?" Harry asked. Esmee could see he was holding back a grin. 

"I was getting ready!" She countered and couldn't supress a smile when Harry  rolled his eyes and held out his arm for Esmee to link hers with. How very... Gentlemany-like. 

Harry walked her to the car and before he opened the door for her he whispered in her ear. "You look great by the way, definitly worth getting eye-killed by your Aunt." 

Esmee blushed and sunk into the front passenger seat of Harry's lush car. He got in the other side and they pulled away. 

The car journey was completely silenced. Esmee suddenly realised that she should probably say something about the other night, apologise for the kiss... Or the harrassment. 

She stole a glance towards Harry and quickly turned back to face her lap. He is handsome. She thought to herself. Imagine if he could read your mind. Her subconcious suggeseted. No no no don't put idea's like that into my head!. 

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