A Case of the Butterflies

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"So how has the last week been Miss Faye?" 

Esmee sat with her head in her hands, after waking up this morning all of her scars seemed to burn. I can't believe I kissed him. She kept thinking about what happened over and over again. 

"Miss Faye?" Julie prodded for a reply and Esmee finally took her head from her hands, her head spun. Never am I drinking again. 

"I've had better weeks." Esmee said simply.  She didn't want to be here long, she hated this dinky white room with one rubber plant in the corner. She didn't mind Julie, she could be nice... But she didn't want to have to deal with her today. 

Julie sighed. "Miss Faye-" 

"Julie. don't call me Miss Faye anymore. Call me Esmee, my name is Esmee." 

Esmee saw Julie suck in a breath, and almost instantly regretted her decision. "Well.. Esmee, this changes everything. That is an astounding amount of progress you've made." 

Esmee shrugged, letting her mind wander back to the night before. 

Harry had said he found her intriguing... But in what way? He couldn't like her surely? But Esmee's subconcious decided to do a little hula dance wearing a coconut bra and a flower necklace. What if he did? Esmee had ultimatley saved Harry from Senitar's grasp. She saved him, even when she thought she couldn't hate him anymore.

Maybe Harry thought that she was... Actually worth liking. Esmee held onto this grasp of hope, the  single thread, the single piece of hope that entitled her to not shut herself in her room until she dies because of her bold move in kissing him last night. 

"Esmee? Please, you've shut out again!" 

Esmee came back to reality. "Er.. Sorry what?" 

Julie places her perfectly manicured hands into her lap. "I said, what happened last week that made you change the way you see your identity?" 

She sighed. The one person that understood her. "Harry Styles." She heard herself say without thinking properly. 

"Harry St- I'm sorry I don't think I'm following, isn't he a One Direction singer?" Julie asked, obviously confused. 

Esmee just nodded and stared out of the window, looking for something to take her away, take her away and let her forget about everything that's happened. 

Harry could take you away. There it was again, her little hula dancing subconcious. 

NO! Forget about the kiss. He's a womaniser, you were just 1 in hundereds. Then again, Esmee tended to prefer her subconcious to the little pessimist that edged further into the back of her mind. 

"You told me you didn't like One Direction." Julie continued. God this woman was getting on her nerves. 

"I don't-didn't-don't...Maybe... I don't know!" Esmee through her hands up into the air and gave a heavy sigh. Then she put herelbows on her knees, leant forward and hid her head in her hands. 

Esmee heard Julie stand up and walk over to her, placing one of her dainty hands on Esmee's shoulders. "I can give you a diagnosis for this if you want." 

"A dagnosis for what." Esmee spoke into her hands, making her words muffeled. 

"The confusion, the stomachaches and head dizziniess. Anyone can tell you went drinking last night Miss Faye, but that sure isn't the cause behind the groginess you're feeling now. "

Esmee wanted to tell Julie that she didn't know what she was talking about, then demand a new psychiatrist. But deep down Esmee did feel groggy. "Then what is it Julie huh? Why am I now getting better?" 

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