Take a Seat

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Prompt: All the girls take a public bus to get to the city to shop but there's only 4 seats left so Lauren chooses to stand. But when another interesting offer comes up, who is she to resist?


No One's POV

"Ugh remind me again why we're going to Brentwood?" Dinah groaned as she walked back and forth on the sidewalk, her stomach making slight grumbling noises.

Normani rolled her eyes and stood from the bench, "Dinah, come on, we all agreed we needed to do something different, plus we could all use a new wardrobe."

Lauren huffed, "I'm not spending any more money on new clothes."

"Why Lauren, it's not like we can't afford it." Ally quipped, pointing to a Lauren who had her nose in a book she picked up at the local used book store.

"Haha, Ally, I know we can all afford it, I just want to be a little more conservative on how I spend my money, college is coming up soon."

Dinah and Mani both laughed, the two of them sharing a similar view about college. "Lauren," Mani started, "college is years from now, stop worrying."

"Whatever, but you won't be arguing with me when I'm right. Which I always am."

Lauren simply smirked and looked both ways, waiting for the bus to come. She turned back around and looked at her friends sitting on the bench, waiting. She shouldn't have, but she stared at one person in particular.

"Well, you've been awfully quiet Camz, what do you think?"

Camila whipped her head up, surprised that Lauren was acknowledging her. She hated the way her stomach twisted and butterflies fluttered in her stomach when she was around Lauren. She nervously fiddled with her fingers in her hand and chewed on the bottom of her lip.

"Uh, about what?"

Lauren rolled her eyes, "where do you go in your head when you're not here?" Lauren laughed playfully and Camila's cheeks got a bright shade of red.

"Camz, I'm only joking, I was just asking about what you thought, who's going to be right?"

Camila looked up, still not daring to meet Lauren's eyes and shrugged, "I don't know. I guess you both are."

Normani turned to Camila, "okay stop being so nice and pick a side."

Camila hated when she had to choose to do anything between her friends, she'd much rather have it so they were both right. She would've liked it that way but her insides were telling her to agree with Lauren 100% even if she was wrong.

"Uhh," Camila was about to be betrayed by her own mouth when Dinah sighed loudly, "Oh my gosh, finally! The stupid city bus is here guys."

Camila's shoulders slumped and she sighed with relief, saved by the...bus.

She got up and when she did she looked up in the exact moment that Lauren was staring down at her. She gulped and once green met brown, she couldn't tear her gaze away, and for the first time Lauren couldn't either.

Lauren stood transfixed in the way Camila's soft brown eyes seemed to swallow hers, take them in and hold her there. Lauren tried to shake the nervous way her stomach was knotting within her and she couldn't. She couldn't any more. Ever since their encounter in the library at school, Lauren had been thinking about Camila. She knew they were friends, best friends, but she also knew that to be more than friends with a girl, especially with Camila was wrong, wasn't it?

Lauren was told, raised, and she thought to her very core of her being that loving Camila the way Camila obviously loved her was wrong but if it was wrong, then why did everything about Camila seem so right? Why was the way their lips melded perfectly so right? Why did it feel right when Lauren kissed her back? Why was Lauren suddenly obsessed with sneaking her own glances at Camila in class? Why was Lauren staring hungrily at Camila's lips right now, wanting her more than she has before?

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