Only In My Dreams

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Prompt: Camila has been in love with Lauren for as long as she could remember and Lauren has always been leaving her hints, so what happens at a sleepover at their friend's? Is it a dream turned into a reality for Camila? ;)

No One's POV

"Normani, what do you have to eat?" Lauren walked into Mani's house, waving to Ally and Dinah as she did. Dinah admired the way Lauren walked with so much confidence. Lauren who was beautiful and who guys thought looked hot while Dinah watched uncomfortably from the sidelines, her insecurities eating her like she ate them, literally. Although Lauren was one of her best friends, the dark-haired beauty had made a remark about Dinah's weight when she was drunk one night and she never forgot it, she hated herself for it because she didn't mean it.

"Oh, hey Lauren, glad you could make it, and yeah, I've got pizza on the way, and Ally and Dinah brought some snacks."

Lauren sat down on one of the couches and looked around, she didn't see Camila, surprised even, that she didn't notice that when she first got there. 

Normani walked over after pressing play on her radio and sat among the other girls, digging her hand into some snacks. Lauren pretended to check her phone since she didn't want to bring up Camila just out of the blue; she didn't want the girls making any assumptions about the way she felt about her favorite person.

Ally moved from the couch and sat cross-legged on the rug on the floor. Dinah followed suit, her arms holding her midsection and her eyes never meeting the other brunette's. Lauren knew why Dinah looked at her the way that she did and Lauren wanted to tell Dinah she was beautiful the way she was, but she didn't. It was like she couldn't. Lauren felt as if no matter what she did, she was wired for bad...except for when Camila was around, Camila Cabello was the only person that could ever cause cracks in Lauren's shield. Lauren was scared and thrilled by it. The desire to be good was seducing her, and that desire could only be felt when Camila was around.

Camila made Lauren feel good, like she mattered, like she could be loved and as much as Lauren wanted to reciprocate that love. However, her wiring betrayed her and she usually crushed the brunette and broke her heart. She couldn't even push Camila away and try to accept that she didn't deserve her, because no matter what Lauren did, Camila would wiggle her way back into her heart and welcome Lauren with open arms.

"Lauren, hey did you hear me?"

"What? Yeah."

Ally tilted her head, not quite believing her and said, "fine, who wants to go first."

Instead of making herself look like a fool, Lauren cut in and volunteered Normani so she knew what was going on before, it was 'her turn.' "Well, Mani is the host, so she should go first."

Normani shrugged, "Okay fine, but shouldn't we wait for Camila?"

Lauren sat up straighter and then relaxed, letting no one see her reaction to hearing Camila's name. She moved to the floor to join and the girls and in a casual, cool voice, "yeah, where is she anyways?" it didn't raise suspicion when she asked like this, after her name was already brought up and just as Dinah was going to volunteer to text her, a knock sounded in the door and in walked Camila, a nervous smile on her face while a timid, "hey guys, sorry I'm late," was heard.

All at once the girls greeted Camila and she walked in with a plastic bag full of soda and cups. "I know you said not to Mani, but I brought some drinks, especially since I knew," she reached the table and picked up a cookie, "that Dinah and Ally would take care of the snacks."

Dinah and Ally laughed and Ally added, "yeah well, I would of brought pie but they only had cake, and I didn't have time to bake anything myself."

"Yup, so we picked the cookies, and chips. Why not?" Dinah summed up.

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