Part 1- Flashbacks

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Elsa's eyes shot open as she relived her darkest moment. "Just a dream, Elsa." She murmured to herself as she sat up in bed. "Dreams aren't real..." Her breathing soon returned to normal, but Elsa knew that she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.
Pushing herself up further, she throws her legs over the side of her bed and sits up. The frost was on her walls again. "Control it... Conceal, don't feel..." Elsa whispers to herself as she stares at her hands. "It's. Not. Working! Why isn't it working?" She whispers. "What's wrong with me?" You see, Elsa had gained full control over her powers, but was slowly losing herself. She could no longer control them in moments of great distress. Especially after her nightmares. This night was just one of the many sleepless nights that Elsa had. She had quite a lot of them.
Standing up, Elsa walks over to her window. "Look, Anna." She whispered to herself as she stares at the Northern Lights streaking across the sky. "They sky. It's awake."

Warming the Frozen Heart- A Helsa FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now