The True Horror

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Elsa's POV-

"Queen Elsa, my deepest apologies."

Those words alone made Elsa want to leave.

"We were sent by our father, the king of the Southern Isles, to give you this."

Elsa officially hated everybody in the Southern Isles.

"If you will accept it, of course."

The doors opened, and somebody that Elsa hadn't wanted to ever see again was brought in.

Or, rather, he was dragged in.


He looked as if he'd been beaten with every weapon known to man, tortured, killed and brought back to life.

He looked like a man who had gotten more than he'd bargained for.

Elsa didn't even know if he deserved it.

Hans' POV-

He could hear his brother's voice through the door.

"Queen Elsa, my deepest apologies."

He really hated his brother.

"We were sent by our father, tee king of the Southern Isle, to give you this."

The doors were slowly pushed open, and Hans was brought in.

"If you will accept it, of course."


He was forced to kneel, but he didn't want to stop looking at her.

His head was forced downwards, but his eyes struggled to stay on her.

She looked lost.


She looked as if she pitied him.

Her hand was covering her mouth in an attempt to keep herself from gasping.

Her gloved hand.

His eyes met hers, and he knew that something was wrong.

Besides him, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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