Part 3- Relocation

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"Queen Elsa?" A soft voice, accompanied by a knock on the door, asked. "Y-yes?" Elsa asked, sitting up. She had crawled back into her bed the former night, and had spent the duration of the time after staring at the ceiling. "You have some visitors." "Visitors?" Elsa asked, now both wide awake and puzzled. "I wasn't aware that I had anything scheduled for today." "You... Don't. This is special. Ambassadors from the Southern Isles. They're here to discuss with you the punishments of Hans." Elsa forgot to breathe. She forgot to blink. She forgot to think, all except for that one word, that one name. Hans. Hans. Hans. The name repeated, over and over and over in her head, while flashbacks suddenly overtook her. Hans at Elsa's coronation, waving to Anna. Hans and Anna, arm in arm, requesting permission for marriage. Hans in Elsa's cell, begging her to change the winter into summer. Hans making promises. Hans breaking promises. Hans trying to kill her. Hans in jail. Hans finally leaving. Then, new scenarios started, things that she had pictured happening in her worst nightmares. Hans coming back. Her nightmares were finally becoming true.
"Queen Elsa? The visitors?" "Oh, yes. I'm on my way."

Elsa didn't want to be on her way.

Elsa never wanted to be on her way ever again.

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