Chapter 1 - Gold Digger

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Her name was Ambra Parker. She had long blonde hair, big brown eyes, and red lipstick all the time, like it was permanently painted on her face. She looked 24, and I was pretty sure that's exactly what her age was. She checked in early one morning, precisely at 6am, with detective John Lowe. I watched her walking by the narrow dark corridor of the 6th floor, with that confident walk she walks. She looked kinda pretty, I won't lie, but it's people like her that makes me feel insignificant and as small as a bug.

I went back to bed right away, as I've heard James moaning for me to come back to sleep. I agreed and layed back next to him.

"Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?" I suddenly asked, hearing another moan of his as he soon looked up at me with sleepy eyes and messy hair.

"I prefer you, ma'am. Won't you go back to sleep?"

"I can't sleep at this point. There's a new guest in the Hotel, a girl. And she's pretty, and-"

"Can your jealousy matters wait until it's morning?" he joked against the pillow, looking up back at me after a few minutes, as a dead serious expression was showing on my face.

"Miss Sasha, we're married, remember?" he softly smiled, I sighed and nodded. I layed back down and snuggled up into his arms, trying to forget about the new guest.

"But what if she breaks us apart?" I asked again, sounding stupid yet pretty worried,

"Baloney, ma'am. Now go back to sleep"

I softly smiled at his accent and his 1920 slang. Baloney, it's only one of the million of words he has taught me from the 20s. It means nonsense, and it sounds pretty good. Expecially from his mouth. It's been 2 months now that we got married, and most of times I've really felt like it was getting over me. I started being constantly afraid to lose him, that night more than ever since that Ambra girl walked into our lives. Liz kept on telling me to slow it down, breathe it out, and calm down. I know I should've probably had to follow his advice but it was tough, it has always been.


I opened my eyes slowly, as the strong light of morning started shining in our room. I blinked a couple of times and looked around, just to see that James was no longer in our bed. I quickly started panicking at the idea he went to meet that girl, Ambra, but I soon found myself sighing of relief, as he soon showed up in the room with two plates of bacon and strolled eggs.

"What's that expression on your beautiful face, ma'am?" he soon asked, I softly smiled, embarassed.

"I just thought you left" I admitted, he quietly looked down at the two plates and handed one to me.

"Why would I leave, dear?" he asked in confusion as I took a sip from a glass full filled with fresh orange juice.

"I'm just being paranoic, I'm so sorry. It's just that you're so handsome and I'm afraid some other girl will take you away from me" I sofly said, covering up my burning cheeks with my hands.

"You mean the new guest girl? She's a Bug-Eyed Betty" he said with a small smile, I laughed at him.

"Nah, stop. She's pretty"

"I couldn't see all this beauty you're talking about, ma'am. Probably because I'm blinded by yours"

"Ahw" I smiles, pulling him into a long tight hug.

After our breakfast, I got up and reached the bathroom. I took a quick shower and grabbed some fresh clothes. I put on a dark green shaded plain shirt, a pair of black leggins, grey socks and my so-loved black sneakers. I decided to put a slight amount of black eyeliner around my eyes and red lipstick.

Suddenly, a flashblack started playing in my mind. My mother and aunts kept on telling me to look girlier, put some make-up on and wear dresses. I've always disagreed, just because I didn't feel comfortable in all that. I've always loved make-up and dresses but I've never felt that good with myself of actually own and put that stuff up.

"Are you ready, ma'am?" James asked walking into the bathroom, as he soon held me from behind and started kissing my neck.

"If you don't stop anytime soon I might not function for a while" I smirked as he instantly smirked back and kissed a nude skin part of my shoulder.

"I'll save it for later then" he smirked again,

"For whenever you want, sir" I laughed persuasively as I pulled him into a tight hug, sniffing him up a little with my eyes closed.

"There's a Forty-Niner in the Hotel, he checked in early this morning" he suddenly said as I picked up my backpack from the ground and layed it on one of the red armchairs of Room 64, that happens to be our room now.

"A gold digger?" I asked interested, he soon smiled and nodded.

"Are you gonna talk to him and show him your business side of self?" I asked again, laughing,

"Perhaps" he smirked.


I walked down the now-crowded 4th floor's corridor. I kept my job, even though I wouldn't get any money, and if I did, I wouldn't really know how to use it since leaving is not an option. I found myself knocking the old door of Room 44, I've never got why that room was rarely given but now there was someone for sure.

A guy in suit and tie walked out and smiled down at me, I took a quick glance at him and then smiled it away. He was quiet tall, dark hair and green eyes. He didn't look older than 28 years old.

"Room service" I smiled,

"Do I have to pay you now?" he asked, I stared up at him for a while before answering.

"No, sir. Your services' fees will be automatically purchased on your stay's fee"

"Mr.Rowley, you said you had to show me something" I heard a female voice saying from inside the room. I took a quick glance inside and saw Ambra laying on the bed.

"Have a good stay" I quickly said as the man smiled down at me again,

"Thank you. I guess I'll see you often"

I soon walked down the hallway and left the silver cart in the little room next to elevator. I walked back at the end of the corridor and reached the door saying Stairs. I quickly ran up back to 6th floor, walked in Room 64 and shut the door behind me.

James soon turned in confusion and stared at me, as his smile started growing bigger.

"I've met the gold digger" I said running out of breath from the long run, "And that girl, Ambra, was on his bed" I quickly added. James raised an eyebrow and softly laughed, calmly and kind.

"Have you find someone?" I excitely asked jumping on the bed and sitting next to him, he just smiled and nodded.

"Room 23" he said with a smirk.

"Why don't we get that done and then relax" I smirked, whispering the last word into his ear,

"That's a spendind idea, ma'am" he smirked back as he took my hand and walked me into his torture chamber.

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