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"Ugg, I'm so bored." Michael complained.

"That sucks." Ashton said with an 'I don't care' tone.

"Ooh! I know! You should make me some pizza rolls!" Michael said.

"We don't even have any."

"So you should go get some."

"Michael, the store isn't open!"

"Whatever." Michael said. He grabbed the laptop off of the coffee table. "Ooh, wanna go on Omegle?"

"Not really. Remember what happened last time?" Ashton got the chills just thinking about it.

"Oh well, I'm still going to." Michael said as he logged on.
Ashton stated to walk away.
"Oh wow, you should come see this Ash!" Michael called.

Ashton finally gave in. He turned around and joined Michael on the couch. On the screen, there was a guy playing with his wink wonk.

"Ew. That's literally the smallest penis I've ever seen." Michael said.

Ashton shot Michael a weird look. "I'm not even gonna ask." Michael clicked the next button and there was a little girl on the screen. She looked to be about 10 years old.

"It's after 11 at night, shouldn't you be in bed?" Ashton asked the girl.

"Watch out or I'll cut you." She said, raising a large knife.

"Um, yeah, ok, bye!" Ashton reached for the mouse and clicked next. He clicked through some more wink wonks, children who are way too young to be on Omegle, and other people who might as well be filming porn.

"Wait! Stop!" Michael yelled and slapped Ashton's hand away from the mouse.

"What? Ok..." He slowly moved his hand away from the mouse.

They sat in an awkward silence for a moment. On the screen, there were two guys that looked to be the same age as Ashton and Michael. One of them had dark brown hair and a nirvana tee shirt. The other had blonde hair that was quiffed, and a green flannel shirt, and a lip piercing.

"Um, hi?" They asked.

"Hello!" Michael said.

"What's your names?" The one with brown hair asked.

"I'm Michael. This is Ashton." Michael said pointing at himself and Ashton.

"Cool. I'm Calum, and this is Luke." He pointed to himself, then at the one with blonde hair.
Damn! Luke is hot! Michael thought.

"Finally, regular people!" Ashton said.

"There's so many creeps on here. I don't know why I still go on it." Luke said.

"Yeah, I mean, we saw some people going down on each other. I'm pretty sure she's prego now." Calum laughed.

"This little child threatened us with a knife!" Ashton exclaimed.

Michael couldn't focus on the conversation. He was too busy focusing on how incredibly hot this Luke guy was.

"Hey what's your guys' kik?" Luke asked, which snapped Michael out of his thoughts. Michael and Ashton both gave them their kik names. Luke and Calum gave theirs, too.

Suddenly, the screen said 'loosing connection'.

"Were loosing connection, so uh we'll kik you!" Ashton smiled.

"Luke I think you're really hot!" Michael yelled just as they got disconnected.

"Um, what?" Ashton asked, looking over at Michael.

Michael quickly got up. "What? Nothing. Um, I have to... go... feed my hamster!"

"You don't even have one!" Ashton exclaimed.

Michael ran down the hall to his bedroom. He closed his door and sat on his bed. Then, he typed in Luke's kik username and added him.

He decided he probably shouldn't talk to him. He was afraid it might be kinda awkward.

Alright I know this sounds really bad and rushed so far, but I've improved so much in my writing, so please give it a chance! Also, the video at the top is not mine, but it works perfect for this fanfic!

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