twenty two

33 3 1

"So what do you wanna do today?" Luke asked Michael as they were eating breakfast.

"I'm not sure." Michael said.

"What if we all go to the beach?" Calum suggested from across the table.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." Ashton joined the conversation.

"Good idea," Luke turned to face Michael, "You in?"

"Sure!" Michael said.

"Ok, well there's one about thirty minutes away." Calum said.

They finished eating breakfast, and Luke and Michael went upstairs.

"I hope you brought a swimsuit." Luke said to Michael as they entered his bedroom.

"I think I did." Michael said and searched through his suitcase.

"Ok, good." Luke laughed.

"I'm going to get ready." Luke opened the door and headed for the bathroom, "I won't take long."

"Ok." Michael said as Luke left the room. He found his swimsuit and put it on underneath his jeans. He also threw on a Blink-182 tee shirt, and walked over to the mirror and fixed his hair.


By now, it was almost noon, and everyone got in Calum's car. It was a perfect day- bright and sunny, and warm enough to go swimming. Calum was in the driver's seat with Ashton next to him on the passenger side, while Michael and Luke sat in the back.

Michael looked over at Luke as they drove down the street. Luke turned his head to Michael, and smiled. He nonchalantly reached his hand across the seat, intertwining his fingers with Michael's.

"Do you know how to swim Luke?" Michael joked.

"No," Luke smirked, "Your're gonna have to teach me."

"Oh, I'll teach you." Michael said with sly tone.

"You guys are nasty." Calum laughed from the front seat.

They laughed, and then it got quiet for a minute. "Hey, can't you play guitar?" Michael asked, changing the subject.

"Who me?" Luke asked.

"No, my mom." Michael said sarcastically.

"I mean, yeah. I can play guitar." Luke said, "Why?"

"You should play for us!" Michael exclaimed.

"I mean, I never said I was any good." Luke laughed.

"You're probably better than I am." Michael said.

"Hey, we should all jam later." Ashton suggested, joining the conversation.

"That's a good idea!" Calum said.

"Okay," Luke agreed.

They continued to talk, and joke about random things as they drove down the highway. The whole time, Luke and Michael would silently flirt with each other. They would play with the other's hands, and make faces at each other. Calum and Ashton still didn't know about the intimate moments they've shared, but they were bound to find out soon enough.

Eventually, they were pulling into a parking space in the parking lot of the beach. They all filed out if the car, and grabbed the towels and various other things from the trunk.

Luke and Michael led them to a spot on the beach. They layed out their towels and the big umbrella, and they each stripped down to their swimsuits.

"Race you to the water!" Michael teased Luke.

"Loser has to buy the other an icecream cone!" Luke exclaimed.

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