Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"I love you." He whispered into my ear his fingers gently skimming against my skin making me shiver as I pecked his neck. He chuckled and held onto me tighter "I love you to, always." I said back as I laid down on his chest. The door opened suddenly.


I gasped springing up from the bed. That was a weird dream was the first thought that came to mind. I was looking at my hands when the door opened I looked up to see the guy from earlier he walked over to me and sat on the bed next to me. His gorgeous green eyes examining me...Wait did I just? I need to stop right now I have Cole! "Who are you?" I asked harshly he rose an eyebrow.

"Don't forget you are the one being held hostage." He said I frowned he had a point I was the one being held hostage. He reached out but I moved away he just sighed "Are you hungry?" He asked I shook my head but my stomach said otherwise once it growled loudly. He smiled "Well your stomach says otherwise." He got up and walked to the door opening it he turned to the left and grabbed something once he turned back I could see it was a tray with food.

I looked back up at him and he smiled at me "Don't worry I didn't poison it or anything I told you once if I wanted to kill you I would've already killed you." He said to me knowing I didn't trust him. I picked up a piece of bread and started nibbling down on it while watching him. I noticed every little detail of his face, bright green eyes, curly short black hair, eyebrows with a little arch, he was a little tan he head on a black shirt and jeans and some black hightop shoes.

"My name is Thomas." He said finally as I nibbled on the bread he moved little closer and I noticed how toned his arms were they were bigger than Cole's arms and he had a cute tan line I looked back up at his eyes to see him staring intently at me. He tilted his head and looked at my hair "Do you remember me at all?" He asked looking back into my eyes. I looked at him confussingly and shook my head "Should I?" I asked him back and he looked down sighing shaking his head.

Thomas stood up and gestured with his hand for me to stand up and follow him. I was a little but leery about it at first, but stood up and followed him because I was intrugued by where we were going. I followed him out of the room and into the hallway it was a good thing I didn't try to escape because I would get all sorts of lost in the house! He stopped at a double door and opened it then stood to the side waiting for me to walk in first I looked at him and then into the room to see it was a huge library.

I walked in and he walked in front of me leading me down a aisle and then stopped at a bookcase looking through it. I turned around and looked at all the books some of them were diaries it had me really curious to read them because I could tell they were old, but I didn't read them I turned when I heard him clear his throat. He lead me to a table and he sat down and then gestured for me to sit down as well.

"What I'm about to read to you is real it did happen and although you may not want to believe me it's true." He explained as I stared at him confussed as he sighed and opened the book beginning the story.


Short chapter I know. but um





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