Chapter 7

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Hey guys!

Here's a new chapter! :D Thanks for waiting and all the great comments and votes!



Chapter 7

I giggled moving closer to  Cole "You like that huh." He said his lips trailing down stomach I just giggled as he kept kissing me "Alpha." as a dude came in Cole's head snapped to his directions as his hands trailed up and down my stomach "What." He snapped.

"Um the Alpha from the Silverstone pack wants to talk to you." I paused and Cole turned to me "Why?" He asked the guy "He didn't say anything." The guy mumbled "Okay I'll be out in a minute." He said and then the dude left.

Cole turned to me "What's wrong?" He asked I just shook my head "Nothing." I replied he sighed not believing me but got up going. Grrr! What am I supposed to do?!?!

I got up from the bed and walked out our room to Violet's who was playing Cole's mom she turned and smiled at me "Hello Dear." She said I smiled to her I always loved hanging out with  his mom partly because she always told me strories of when he was kid.

"Hello Cassandra." I said sitting down next to her Violet cam and sat on my lap "Is something bothering you?" She asked she knew of course she was a mother and a an Alpha female of the pack so she knew how to detect that kind of stuff!

I sighed "It's my brother." I said she looked interested and looked at me "You have a brother?" She asked I laughed lightly I've never told them anything "Yeah I left him he was the new Alpha he wasn't very stable when our parents died I was afraid what he was going to do to the pack." I said shivering a little.

It was true Julian had huge anger issues! He couldn't contain them "You do have a few were's who will get that way he should've gotten help for that." She mumbled I nodded laughing lightly "What is he from pack?" She asked "Silverstone." I replied biting my lip "You love him no matter what though right?" She asked I nodded.

"Of course he's my brother I always will love him."  I said and got up "Thanks for listening." I said and got up and walked out on my down the hallway I saw Sergio "Hola." He said I smiled "Hey Sergio!!" I said smiling.

He followed me outside since I practically dragged him with Violet who came out "Let's play Hide and seek!!!!" I screamed, Violet squealed nodding while Sergio rolled his eyes, but agreed. I notice a few other pack kids and Kelly joined in the game.

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