"we care about you"

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June 5th 2010

Troye walked out of the kitchen soon after the conversation. He had plans to meet up with Tyler and Caspar later that day. He was going to ask them for their help in finding Connor.

So Troye walked into his room and looked for an empty binder and pencil. If he was going to do this, he was going to need to stay organized.

Once he opened the binder, he took out a slip of paper and began writing on it with everything he knows about the case;

Mission: Find Connor

-          Last seen in his room by Mrs.Franta around 10:30

-          Last picture on Instagram was of Coffee, captioned as 'Last One.'

-          Last with Troye (me) In the sunflower field

And that's all Troye had written down considering that all the sorry excuse for cops had on the case.  Soon after he placed the binder in his bag and worked his way downstairs. "I'm going out to meet with Ty and Casp. See you later" Troye called out, not giving his mom a chance to say goodbye. He was pissed at her for all the right reasons.

He arrived at Tylers where they all agreed to meet. All four of them – Tyler, Caspar, Troye and Connor – were friends, the latter, however, usually hung out with himself or Troye.

This was his first birthday without Connor.

Every group of friends has the 'Leader' or the person that's usually the 'Main Bitch' of the group, and in this friendship, it was Tyler. Usually if Tyler had an opinion on something, everybody sided with him. They all knew Tyler could cause some serious damage if they didn't. he was basically king of the school. He knew almost every rumor.


"Troye! Happy birthday!" Jackie smiled, welcoming the tall boy into her home.

"Thank you!" Troye smiled, giving her a hug. She escorted Troye to Tyler's room where both Tyler and Caspar sat, talking.

"Hey Troye boy!" Tyler welcomed, gesturing for Troye to take a seat next to him.

"Hey Tilly, hey Casp" Troye greeted taking a seat. He was kind of surprised that neither of them have wished Troye a happy birthday yet, but he figured they were probably planning on something.

"so what have you been up to?" Caspar asked, typing away on his phone. Troye took a deep breathe before explaining everything that happened within the past hours;

"Not much, I woke up to news that they dropped Connors case" Troye sighed. Caspar looked up from his phone and Tyler just looked shocked.

"They're dropping it?" Tyler asked, almost relieved and Troye just nodded.

"They apparently can't find any more clues, or what not, and they said he's probably dead." Troye stated, holding back his tears. The topic of Connor was a difficult one for him. It made him upset seeing people just brush off the topic as if it were nothing.

"They're probably right" Tyler muttered under his breath, but Troye could hear. And oh, did Troye get pissed.

"He's not dead, Tyler" Troye gritted his teeth as Caspar just watched this all unfold in front of him. "He's alive and I'm going to fucking prove it to you."

Tyler had always been annoyed with Troyes constant banter about Connor, so it was no surprise to Caspar or Troye that Tyler blew up and took things to the next level;

"How, Troye? He's dead, okay? Connor is fucking dead and you need to accept that, alright?" Tyler snapped back. "You can't prove anything because the damn police dropped fucking case, Troye. Move on and accept the fact that your best friend or crush or whatever the fuck he is to you is dead."

And in that exact moment, Tyler covered his mouth in regret. He should not have said those things to Troye. He knows how Troye gets with these things, but he said it and he can't take it back. "I'm sorry Troye" he said though his hands.

Troye just stood up, tears staining his eyes and walked out of the room. "Happy fucking birthday to me"

"Wait Troye!" Tyler yelled out, trying to follow the boy out of the house. "Troye! Shit it's your birthday and I forgot, God I'm such a bad friend and I-"

"Save it, Tilly. You're right, Connor might be dead, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to figure out what the hell happened to him. I can't live my life in question.

"You're right." Tyler stated, this time Caspar showing up. "You're definitely right and I'm sorry, Troye" Tyler sighed. "Come on Caspar, lets go back inside." And with that, Tyler turned around and walked right back into the house. Caspar stayed back.

"Troye, I would help you with this but you know how Tyler gets" Caspar explained. Troye just nodded, understanding what Caspar was getting to. "But just remember the county officers don't know what they're doing. They never take clues into consideration of what they might mean. Remember that, Tro."

Troye smiled at Caspar, giving his friend  a hug. "Thank you for not being a dick" Troye laughed out. "text me, yeah?" Caspar nodded.

"Happy birthday, mate."


Troye made his way home, deciding that tomorrow would probably be a better day to go to the Frantas house and search for something. After all, Troye knew Connor more than anybody in the county, so he would know if something were off.

When he got home, he made it his mission to go right up into his room. Only to be stopped by his family sitting in the living room.  "Happy birthday!"  they all called out in unison. This made a slight smile appear on Troyes face, only to be replaced with a frown soon afterwards.

"what's wrong, Troye?" Steele asked, the first to notice his brothers change in mood. Troye just sighed.

"Tyler just said something to me that got me really upset." Troye explained. He then went on to explain the whole story to them about how he wants to find Connor followed by his and Tylers conversation. And they all listened, yet they listened with confused faces. "What?" He asked once he had finished the story.

"Are you really going to try and find Connor?" Sage asked, moving a strand of hair out of her face. Troye nodded. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Shaun then pipped in; "Your sister's right, Tro. This isn't a good idea. What if you find out that, God forbid, he really is dead. Wouldn't that just upset you more? We care about you"

"But he isn't dead" Troye insisted.

"But how do you know that?" Tyde chimed in. "You only know what the police know"

"But I know Connor better than the police, alright? I'm going to his house tomorrow and looking in his room. I ought to find something." Troye explained, growing frustrated with having to explain this again.

"and if you don't?"

"then I don't give up" Troye stated, pushing himself off the couch and up into his room. "Call me when dinner is ready"


Troye flopped on his bed in disbelief. Not only is his mom against him, but so is Tyler and the rest of his family. It seems as if none of them give a fuck about what Troye believes and they just want to crush him. He gets that they're looking out for him, but they could back off a little.

Maybe he should give up and just live his life in question. Maybe everybody is right.

Maybe Connor is dead.

Troye began crying. He wasn't sure if it was out of sadness or out of stress, or both. He just didn't know what to do anymore.

Connor always knew what to do. Connor was always there to help Troye when he got sad, stressed, or frustrated. Connor knew how to soothe Troye, how to make him calm.

But Connor wasn't there for Troye anymore, and it seems as if Troye is going to be standing alone for the rest of this journey.

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