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Eventually, the owner of the restaurant walked over to us and I could tell she was trying to hold in the fangirl. She knew who we were.

"Hi guys. Big fan. We had no idea you were coming. You should've called; we would've had you guys covered." The manager, Theresa, said.

I smiled at her. "Oh, it's okay. We didn't want to bother you guys. We didn't even know this would happen but it's fine. We'll just have a little meet and greet if that's alright."

She placed one of her hands on my right shoulder and smiled. "As long as they don't destroy anything, that's fine. Where are you going to have it?"

"Outside?" I looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"Okay, we'll get some tables and stuff and markers set up outside. I'll have some staff help you guys out unless y'all want some cops to help out."

"We'll be okay. We don't need security guarding us but it would make us feel better if they were on the side." Caniff said.

"Okay." Theresa ran off.

About 10 minutes later, everything was set up and we were safe to go outside. The fans were screaming as loud as they possibly could. Paper was handed to us after we walked outside. Theresa walked over to the group of us.

"Okay, this is what we're gonna do. One of you is gonna write the name of what you're a part of then if you're a part of that, that's where you're going to sit. The tables are separated by groups and there's 3 tables to each group with at least 9 chairs per group. There is tape at each group for your sign so when you write it, tape it to the group. " She paused and took a breath. "It going to be hectic and there's going to be girls running all over the place trying to get to you guys... And girls. There will be security around you, Haylie because you're pregnant."

"I am too!" Kaitlyn said, offended.

"Oh, sorry Kaitlyn. I didn't know. There will be security for you as well. Ready?" We all nodded. "Go."

I went over to a table and wrote down 3-6ate. After I was finished, I taped it to the table. Jade, Kelcee, Kaitlyn, and I sat down at our group. Kaitlyn and I were in the middle of the girls with security standing behind us. We were the table at the far left beside Our2ndLife and then MagCon was on the far right.

After we were all ready, we nodded to the guards and they let the girls go. Immediately girls started running to each group, asking for autographs, pictures, hugs, kisses. Everything. Girls were screaming, crying, talking on the phone. It was insane. This was an insane meet and greet. One of the biggest ones we've ever had.

One girl asked me for a picture and a hug so of course, I got out of my seat and walked to her. She handed her phone to her friend so she could take the picture of us.

The girl looked at me. "Is it okay if I place my hand on your belly?"

"Sure!" I said. She put her hand on my belly and automatically, the baby softly kicked at her hand and she started freaking out. After she was done, she put her hand back where it was and smiled. I did the same. Her friend handed her phone back to her and then handed it to me. I waddled back to my seat and sat down, grabbing my sharpie and signing my name. I looked back at the girl.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Hannah Waters."  She said.

"Well, thanks for the all of your support, Hannah. I love you." I handed her phone back and smiled.

"I love you so much, Haylie." She said and walked away. I saw her walk over to O2L and to Kian.

Everyone was signing stuff and really busy. Girls kept running up around every group trying to get as many autographs as they possibly could. Girls ran up to me and I signed things, held things, kept things, everthing.

I pulled out my vlog camera that I always keep with me and started vloggling.

"Hey guys. It's Haylie and we're in San Clemente!" Each of the girls popped their heads in real quick then went back to signing. "So you can probably hear all of the screaming and crying going on. Well..." I stood from my seat. "...we were on our way into Golden Corral and yanno, being a singer and all, fans come from nowhere." I turned around and faced the camera towards all of the fans. Their screams got ten times louder. The fans were waving at the camera and screaming before I turned the camera back to me and sat down.

A fan came over to me and asked to be in my vlog so I said yes.

She waved. "Hi guys!" She said.

I looked at her. "What's your name?" I looked back at the camera.


"Hey guys! I'm hanging out with Kaitie right now!" I turned the camera off and signed stuff for the fans.

Eventually, they all left satisfied that they had at least something from us.

It was about 8 o'clock before we finally went inside to eat. We got put into a private place and we all put tables together, ordered our drinks then went and got our food.

I was getting my food when Kian walked up behind me and placed his hand on my lower back. "I see you're piling up."

I smiled and grabbed a spoonful of macaroni and cheese. "I'm feeding for 4 yanno."

He chuckled a little bit. "I can't wait until they get here. They're gonna be so spoiled."

"Yeah, they are."

"Haylie, I. I'm thinking about going home early. Like, all of us." I looked at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I feel like Mom wants some alone time and so do my brothers and sisters-" I cut him off.

"Does this have to do with Zack?" I smirked.

He looked down. "Yeah... I just want to meet him already. The suspense is killing me."

"Well, how early do you want to leave?" I finished getting my food and waited for Kian. When he was done, we started walking back to our area.

"When we get back from here." He said.

"Well, I can't stop you. So we can go when we get back from here. We just gotta let your family know first before just leaving." I said.

"I will." He kissed me before we sat down at our table.


Time Change (Kian Lawley) {BOOK 3}Where stories live. Discover now