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Once they got Kaitlyn all set up to do her c-section, only one person was supposed to be in there and of course, she picked Nash because he's the dad. He had to get dressed up in scrubs with a mask and a cap on too, like the doctors. So, I waited out in the waiting room with my kids.

I held Delilah and Elijah while Jade held Hunter. She sat beside Taylor who was sleeping on the chairs. He was tied, considering he was watching 6 kids by himself while we were helping Kaitlyn. I wouldn't doubt it. I'd be exhausted too.

Kaitlyn's boys were getting hungry, along with Zack, and tired too because they started to get fussy and whiny. I had to give Delilah and Elijah over to someone so I could go and get them something to eat. I gave my two kids to Kelcee and Alexis then got Zack, Taylor, and Logan. I walked them all to my car and buckled Kaitlyn's boys in the back seat and Zack was up front in the passenger seat. After the boys were buckled into their seats, I got up front in the driver's seat and started the car. I drove out of the parking lot and onto the main, busy, street.

"So, what do you guys want to eat?" I asked the boys when we had to stop at the red light.

"McDonald's!" They all three shouted. I chuckled. So, I made a left to go to McDonald's.

Once we were in the parking lot, the boys got out of the car and rushed inside. I locked the car and followed them in. When we were at the register, the boys looked at the menu.

"What do you guys want?" I asked them.

"I don't know yet." They all said.

I looked back at the cashier. "I would like a crispy ranch snack wrap with a medium fry and a large sweet tea." I looked back at the boys. "Do you guys just want a kids meal?" They all nodded. "Cheeseburger or chicken nuggets?"

"Chicken nuggets!" The twins said.

"Cheeseburger!" Zack said. Just like his father. Kian literally orders a kids meal every time we go to McDonald's and gets a cheeseburger and a small fry with a small drink. He gets the damn toy, too. He tells me he just does it because Sierra is in the back seat but whenever we go to McDonald's, Sierra is seriously never with us. He's a child trapped in a man's body. Not playing. He's also started doing this thing he calls "The Crab Face" where he pushes his bottom jaw out and it just looks weird. He's got almost everyone in the house doing it, too.

"Your total will be $23.42." The cashier said. Once I paid, she gave us our cups and we went over to the drink machine and got our drinks. Before we could sit down, the boys freaked out.

"Aunt Haylie! Can we go play in the playground? Please?!" Logan asked, jumping up and down and pointing at the larger playground build inside.

I sighed with a smile on my face. "Yes, but as soon as our food gets here, you guys have to come and eat, okay?"

"Okay, Mommy!" Zack said. To be honest, it makes me feel jealous with him calling me his mom. Yes, we got custody of him but I'm his stepmother, not his biological mother. I just smiled as they entered the playground.

I walked up to the counter to wait for my food when my phone goes off. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID.


I answered it and put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Haylie..." He croaked.

Worry flooded my entire body. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, they're fine. I'm just really thirsty." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Dick."

He chuckled. "I'm sorry. But hey, where'd you go with my kids?"

"Order number 12!" I heard the people at the front counter yell. I walked up there, grabbed our food and walked into the playground area. Once I place the food on a table, I put my phone back to my ear.

"But, what's up?" I said, gesturing to the kids to make them come and eat.

"Well, Kaitlyn's in recovery and sleeping." He said. The boys sat down and started eating their Happy Meals while I ate my food.

"How's Cora?" I asked after swallowing my food.

"She's fine. She's gorgeous and she's in the nursery and she's gorgeous and I love her so much and she's gorgeous." He said.

I chuckled. "Wow, Daddy's little girl already. Well, I'm gonna let you go. Once the boys get done eating, we'll head back over. I'm sure your boys are excited to meet their little sister."

"Okay. Thanks for taking care of them. I'll see you guys soon." He said.

"Alright, bye." I hung up the phone and went onto Twitter. While I was waiting for the app to load, I looked at the twins. "Are you guys excited to meet your new baby sister?"

"Yes!" Logan yelled.

"I used to talk to her through Mommy's belly and she would talk back to me by kicking Mommy's belly. Daddy was really happy to see her too. It's all he talked about." Taylor said, eating his last chicken nugget.

"Awh, that's so cute. I'm excited to meet my niece too." I said then went to make a tweet.

@HaylieLawley: When my niece is finally here, I'm eating McDonald's with my nephews and stepson. Awesome. 😁😅

After that, I started scrolling through tweets until the boys were done with their food so we got into the car and drove to the hospital.

Once I found a new parking spot, the boys and I hurriedly got out of the car then ran into the hospital. I checked in with the secretary then we ran to Kaitlyn's room.

The twins and I walked into her room while Zack stayed back. When we walked in, Kaitlyn was sleeping and Nash was on his phone or something. I shut the door which got Nash's attention and he looked at us and smiled. He locked his phone and got up from his seat. He walked over to us and bent his knees down to his sons' levels.

"Hey guys, did you have fun with Aunt Haylie?" Nash whispered.

They smiled and nodded. "Can we see our baby sister, Daddy?"

Nash chuckled. "I'll go get her. Stay here, okay?" Nash kissed the boys' heads then walked out of the room to go and get his daughter, their sister, and my niece.


ALSO, did anyone see the #HSM10 tonight?! I kind of freaked out when it came on. AND what about Teen Wolf last night!? OMG, cried. I love that show so much.


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