9- Reality Awaits

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Sorry for the writing being so slow!! I'm trying to update every week but I'm a bit short on time! :/ but I hope you enjoy!!
--Tom's POV--

The brightness disturbing my sleep, I squinted and rolled over away from it, my back blocking the light.

"Stoppp..." I groaned, "Jordannn turn the lights back off, I'm trying to sleep..."

As there was no reply and the pesky lamp remained on, I grudgingly sat up. I'd have to do it myself. Only when I finally opened up my eyes did I realize that I wasn't in bed. I was laying in the dust in the middle of nowhere, the sun harshly beating down on my pale skin. A pang of sadness squeezed my heart, remembering that Jordan wasn't here. Upon further inspection, I saw the no one was here... Oh shit! Sonja!!

I scrambled up, not bothering to dust off my clothes, and took off towards Tucker's house. That shadowy bitch must've knocked me out or something... I couldn't remember what happened after it grabbed Sonja...

Once I finally got to the dojo, I frantically burst through the doors, searching from Tucker on each level of the structure. I heard whistling outside, and sprinted back down to the courtyard.

"Yo, Tom! Have you seen-" Tucker began...

"Tucker, oh my god, she's gone! She's fucking gone because of me. Shit, oh shit!! This is my fault! I saw it take her, oh my God, it took her, she's gone! Tucker, I'm so sorry!!"

He interrupted my rant, "Tom, what happened? Where Sonja?" he likely asked."I can't understand a word you're saying, buddy."

Out of breath I wasted no time replying, "Tucker... it took her. A shadow thing. I couldn't move. I'm so sorry. We need to find them. We need to do something!"

His smile fell, and I could see the hidden fury behind the light gloss of the tears welling in his eyes. Speechless, he just started to walk away, his jaw set and eyes narrowed.

"Wait, man! Where ya' going?!" I called after him. His reply both fueled my drive and also made my stomach sick with dread... "Come on Tom. We're going to get them."

--Sonja's POV--
I found myself in a dim my room. I sat upon an old, faded gray couch, and the black-and-white checkered floor reflected the little candle light that there was. The faded walls were horribly bleak, except for the cobwebs that loitered in the corners, and the occasional splotch of a dirty stain. The only sound, apart from a cool draft blowing across the floor, came from a drip from the ceiling at the far end of the room. The scene was eerie to say the least.

As I glanced back towards the floor, I noticed that the white tile closest to me was emitting a white glow... A light?

I quietly crawled down from the cushions of the couch. I reached to pull up the tile, but upon making contact with the cold stone, I was somewhere else.

The warm sun shone down my face as I chased after a butterfly, laughing as it landed on Tucker's nose. Tom chuckled at my excitedness about the small creature, while Jordan waved at me to get next to Tucker. I giggled and kissed Tucker's cheek, looking at Jordan, who was focused on capturing the moment through his cameras lens. The camera's flash blinded me for moment before seeing...

Nothing. I was upset to find myself back in the room, by myself once again. What just happened?! I was in a different place! I didn't hesitate to get a giddily step up to the next glowing white tile. I touched it more surely this time, and once again, I was gone.

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