10- For Better or Worse

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--Jordan's POV--

I sat in silence of my new room. Not an uncomfortable silence, but one where my mind swam in unease, considering what might lay ahead in my future. After what had seemed like hours, two of Death's "followers" had come to escort me to this room. Neither had spoken a single word to me the entire way we walked the dim winding corridors. I had no idea what my agreement meant, or when it would be put into use, but I already regretted my decision... Now there was not a single trace of the her horrendous torture I'd gone through.

I sighed audibly and flung myself on one of the large gray beds in the room, very similar to the one I had find myself in after I was so harshly taken from my home... our home. My heart hurt at the thought of him. My Tom... with his gentle smile and his playful laugh... I'd give anything to be with him now. Awe, and how much I'd love to see Wag, and Tucker, and-

"Sonja?!" I exclaimed seeing the curled up body thrown onto my floor, her recognizable fox hoodie wrinkled and dirty. I ran over as the click of the the door securely locking sounded in the room.

She lifted her head from the ground slowly, looking up at my face. "Wait... Jordan?!" she questioned with confusion, a small smile surfacing on her face. "You're okay?! Where did you go? Why are you here? Where even is here?!"

"Uh, well, as great as it is to see you, we're being held at the Shadows' main base... and I was kind of forced to agree to do something, and I -uh- don't really know what it is."

"I don't follow..." She stared blankly and furrowed her brow in confusion. "Like you're being forced to do a certain job, but you don't know what the job is? Or what, I'm confused??"

"Uh, yeah. You got it pretty straight on." I explained the whole situation to her.

"Oh, that's pretty -uh- unfortunate," she said, "but honestly I'm just happy you're alive." She filled me in on what had happened to her, such a strange experience.

"So, looks like we're in the same boat, eh?" I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, we're in this together then." She smiled, "For better or for worse."

This is kind of a really short chapter, I'm going to have to try to get some better chapters written soon. I like for you guys to get chapters as soon as the written, and for this first book, I'm really trying my best (and sorta failing). Sorry again! :/

Stay awesome,
<3 Ocelot

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