The begning of the end

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Walking thought the door, she didn't really notice much. The school was the same white walls and fluorescent light as always. The halls were filled with the noise of hundreds of other students. Yet the feeling of being watched would not leave the corner of her mind.

"Yet another dark and rainy day it seems." Sage looked out the window, puddles had already appeared in great number around the parking lot. Many students, like herself had come prepared for rain. All dressed in rain boots and equipped with an umbrella in their locker.

"Excuse me?" Starting Sage, a boy taped her shoulder to get her attention.

"OH, um yes can I help you?" Sage looked him over, he seemed to be her age. Possible a few months younger but you could never tell now a days. Thought he looked normal as anyone else, his eyes are what caught her attention the most. Green, a deep green that almost seemed unnatural, one that threatened to pull you in and would not let go.

"Well, I'm new here and was trying to find my way to Physical Science with Dr. Mason, room 3B." Room 3B was located on the south side of the school. Most kids know a quick way to get there. But most of them just sprinted to get there in time.

"Room 3B is located on the south side of our school, but it's a bit tricky let me take you there." Sage turned to start in the direction when the boy grabbed her arm in mid swing.

"You don't have to do that. Just point me in the right direction." He locked eyes with her, almost pleading her to not come.

Sage thought to herself. If he didn't want her taking him there, she could at least follow and make sure he made it to the right room without him noticing. "Alright, just take the next hall and turn right you'll get there in no time."

The boy smiled at her. "Thank you Sage."

Sage paused a moment, she had never given this boy her name. Nor did she ask for his. "Wait!" The boy stopped mid step and looked over his shoulder. "What's your name?"

He grinned and his eye light up for some odd reason, almost like he didn't expect her to ask. "My name is Sawyer. See you around Sage." He took his time saying her name. Before Sage realized it he started to walk away. She was sure the grin was still evident on his face.

Why do I feel this way? Sage wondered to herself. But soon recalled that she was going to lose him if she didn't act now. Quietly she followed after Sawyer, hoping he didn't look back and see her.

"Where, where did he go?" Sage reached room 3B without once seeing him. Sawyer, where could he have hid, or did he take a wrong turn.

Truing about Sage stopped as she heard a crash coming from the room. The crash was followed by a scream of pain, then dead silence. What was going on. Sage quickly turned and peeked into the room thought the door window.

In the room she saw chaos, the tables were thrown to the sides of the class, the chalk board hade red stains, and the floor looked as if there were deep claw marks going into it. What had happened there?

"James Mason, you have been found guilty. Your punishment is death. Accept your fate." That voice sounded cold, not like how it sounded talking to her ten minutes before. Another scream came from the room. Sage, ran. She didn't want to be seen, especially but who every was in still in that class. But before she was out of sight the door flow open. And out came the boy, turning his head he was the remaining section of Sags brown hair flying around the corner. A groan escaped the boy's lips as he covered his eyes. He know that she would come, but one could hope she would have run a bit later than expected.

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