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Snow Diamond POV
It's hazy. Silvery stars dotted the dark blue backdrop around me. As I squinted I saw a figure come near me. As it neared closer I saw it was my Aunt Luna. Good, I wasn't dead!
"Snow diamond, we saw discord didn't know you were allergic to lemonade. So until you wake up, celestia requested that I keep you company. So how do you feel about cards?" Luna said.
I smiled gently but then it faded.
"If I'm still alive, why am I asleep?" I asked.
"Well... Your sorta in a coma..." She said sheepishly.
"So when will I wake up?" I said frantically running around.
"Don't worry it will be in about 30 minutes." She said.
We played cards. She won most of the time of course. I wasn't good at cards. Finally a wall of light began to push towards us.
"Your waking up. I will see you later."
My eyes snapped open.
I saw a bunch of worried faces around me.
"Discord you nearly killed my daughter!" Celestia said angrily.
My mother celestia, discord,a nurse and doctor, and a casket in the corner(WAIT WHAT?!).
"Oh snow! I was so worried!" My mother embraced me in a hug. Then the door burst open and a rambunctious pink pony burst in the room.
"Pinkie! Don't squish her!" Said a delicate voice.
"Rarity?" I said.
"How do you know my name?"
I glanced over and saw twilight, Fluttershy and 4 others. Wait they looked like the human girls I met! These must be twilight friends!
"Snow Diamond I heard you were sick. And discord be more careful!" Twilight hissed.
I felt like my whole family was here.
"How the hay does she know our names?!" Applejack sputtered.
"Well she happened to meet the humans who look like you." Twilight said.
"I already met Fluttershy." I said sheepishly.
"How about you visit ponyville?" Twilight said.
I nearly flipped.
"I would love to!" I beamed.
"Ok we will organize transport." Celestia smiled.

Daughter of the Alicorns 3: Destined to beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora