Rescue mission

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Aria POV
I sat in my cold metal cage. I wanted to know why I lived in a kingdom. Was i citizen? A pony?
I was on the stage in a cage, while sonata and adagio were peeping for their performance. This cage was depriving me of strength. I wouldn't last in here.
"We are are almost ready!" Said adagio flipping her curls.
Their amulets were struggling to appear. The crowd below was brain washed students of crystal prep. I cringed as adagio and sonata sang louder and louder gaining power. Their amulets flashed around their necks. I gasped.
A lasso swirled in the air above, tying adagio. I looked in the direction of the rope. The Rainbooms! Well double them.
"Charge!" Fluttershy said as bunch of furry critters, squirrels, bunnies, hamsters!
As the fight raged on adagio tried to contrate, until twilight and sunset tackled her! It was hilarious as the Brainwashed students chased after the doubles. Then snow diamond came to free me. Once she freed me, a wave of energy flew out. Storm clouds rolled in. Oh no.
Snow diamond's POV
I watched the storm clouds roll in. Nightmare moon was free! We had to go! I grabbed aria's hand and we all piled into a nearby school bus. Sunset started the car and we drove to the statue at chs.
Nightmare moon!
"Go go!" I yelled desperately. We all went through, tumbling out in equestria.
"Wow that was intense." Fluttershy whispered.
I looked at Aria who glowed an aquamarine aura. She transformed into an alicorn.
"Aria you are the princess. We are so glad your back!" I said as we surrounded us in a group hug in twilight's library.

Daughter of the Alicorns 3: Destined to beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora