Task at "hoof"

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Snow diamond's POV
Clouds raced past me as the wind blew my white-blue hair. I was on my way to twilight's castle in ponyville in a carriage. The town was surprisingly big for a village. Mine landed softly on the clean grass in front Of the giant purple crystal castle. Twilight sparkle and her friends were there to welcome me. The began to crowd around me as I exited the gold carriage. Pinkie pie was really on me. The pink pony was breathing on my neck.
"Can we go to my favorite places?!" She squealed. As much as I wanted to explore, I just knew I had to save Aria.
"I was actually needing some help." I said.
"Ok we can go to the throne hall." Said twilight as she gestured for her friends to come. As I walked down the large hall, I felt the smooth crystal floors click under
My hooves. We finally came to a room with 7 thrones and a table map in the middle.6 of the thrones had cutie marks and the last one was smaller. On that throne, laid the baby dragon From when I first met Twilight. settled, I explained the situation.
"You mean that siren is your cousin? I thought she was wierd" twilight marveled.
"Twilight!" Fluttershy snapped.
"No wierd In a cool way" twilight said looking down.
"Yes and they can't free nightmare moon. Equestria will fall." I whispered
"We need a massive plan y'all! Any ideas?" Apple jack banged her hoof down.
The ponies around me shook their heads.
"Why don't we stall?" Rainbow said as she flapped in the air above me.
"There is only 7 of us. Besides they were able to defeat 6 of us and snow isn't fully trained." Twilight muttered.
I poked at the indigo carpet as an idea snapped into my head.
"Wait! We have copies of ourselves as humans right? They could help!" I said excitedly.
"That just might work! We need to contact sunset shimmer." Twilight left the room and grabbed her magic book to contact sunset.
Dear sunset shimmer,
We got a problem and need you to help. Celestia had a niece. Named Aria blaze. Only she can defeat the sirens. They turned her into one obviously. I will explain more when we get there.
Twilight sparkle
Once she finished writing, rarity spoke up.
"So road trip?" She said.
"Yep! You guys are coming."
Everyone cheered.
"Now here's is the plan..."

Daughter of the Alicorns 3: Destined to beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora