The Epic Change (Finalized)

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Alex's note (AN): Really quick/long Alex's note. As of right now, 30 January 2014, I am editing this story back to the original story I wrote in my Book of Ideas (which is now written in the description). When a chapter is finalized, finished editing, I will say so at the beginning of the chapter or in the titles until the whole story is edited. When I say edited, I don't mean a small error, I mean back to what I had written it to in my book that was lost for some time. It has been found, and I would like to post the original story on here. Anyway, thank you for reading this if you have.

The day was bright, and Nod was zooming past newly bloomed flowers on his bird. He wore his signature grin as he rode on his bird without a care in the world. "Yeah!" Nod called out as he was ridding his bird. "What's wrong, Ronin? Don't know how to ride your bird?" He laughed back.

Ronin rolled his eyes while smiling. 

A rock fell, and Nod halted his bird. Nod stopped laughing and froze on his bird. "What was that?" He landed his bird on a branch. "Hey, Ronin! Did you hear that?" He looked back Ronin. "Not the rock falling, but the thing after it.

"Hear what?" He landed next to Nod. 

Nod looked around. "I thought I heard--"

"Someone help her! Please!" A young boy cried.

Nod flew down, spotting a large body near the boy that cried out for help. With wide eyes, he hopped off his bird to the boy. "What happened?"

"This stomper needs help." The boy was hardly breathing. He pointed at the large body. "She's been like this for a while. She looks like she's dying."

Nod stared at the stomper who was in a fetal position. His shoulders fell as he heard the female stomper's low breathing. He looked at Ronin. "Think we can help this stomper?"

"Of course." The new queen stepped forward. "She'll just be a part of our world."

Ronin's brows furrowed. "You mean she can't go back?"

 The flower queen turned to Ronin. "We should find out why she's here first. She was alone in the forest after all."

The stomper groaned, pressing against her side to try to stop the bleeding. Nod's eyes widened. "We have to help her!"

The queen nodded. She held her hands to the sides of her head, focusing and contorting her face. The girl floated off the ground, gracefully spiraling as she shrunk down to the size of a leaf man. She began to descend, and Nod rushed to her, catching her.

The queen gasped as she noticed the girl had bled quite a bit. "Take her to the palace. Quickly," the queen demanded.

Nod rushed to his bird, squiting to see clearly as he rode in rushing wind.

The girl groaned, and Nod looked down at her. She opened her eyes slightly, revealing a bit of blue in her eyes. "Who are you?"

Nod caught his breath. "Just stay awake. We're almost there."

She seemed to agree with a groan and closed her eyes. Nod gasped and paced his bird faster to the palace. He ran through the gates, charging toward the center of the large foyer room. "Please help," he cried.

The girl placed her hand on Nod's cheek. "Thank you for trying to help me." Her eyes slowly closed.

"Wait! Don't go! Keep your eyes open!" Nod gave her hand a gently squeezed her hand. Some leafmen took the girl away, and Nod watched as she was taken away from him.

"She'll make it." Ronin placed a hand on Nod's shoulder.

Nod forced himself to smiled back. "Yeah."

Ronin looked at Nod for a minute. He looked at the room the girl was taken to. "Seems many stompers are getting the chance to come into our world. Wonder if it's a sign?"

Nod's brows crashed together. "A sign of what?"

Ronin looked at Nod with a smug smile. "Stomper domination."

Nod raised a brow and looked at the healing room. "I'm just worried about keeping her alive. She has a whole world to go back to. She has parents that don't know anything about his."

Ronin raised a brow at Nod and smiled. "Yeah. She has a home to go back to."

"And she will go back once I've seen a full recovery." The young queen stepped forward. "I just want to make sure she's okay before we send her back. A wound like that doesn't just happen."

 "Someone did that to her." Nod's head lowered.

"Maybe." The queen smiled. The young queen titled her head, and a leaf man walked towards him.

He bowed. "Your highness."

"How's the girl?" The queen smiled.

"She's doing well, but probably won't be able to move soon. She's lost quite a lot of blood."

Nod stepped forward. "Why can't she move?"

"She might get dizzy." The leaf man smiled at Nod. "Don't worry. We took care of it. She's inside if you want to see her."


Nod turned to Ronin.

He smiled. "She's fine. Try not to be rough just because she's okay." Nod smiled back and walked into the room where the girl was healed.

She slowly opened her eyes as Nod walked in. Nod froze as his eyes locked with her beautiful blue eyes. The girl lightly blushed and looked away.

"Uh," Nod walked closer to her bed, "so you're not from around here."

She smiled at him, slightly lowering her head. "Obviously. I was larger than all of you not that long ago. Are you the borrowers?"

"What?" Nod's brows furrowed.

The girl laughed lightly. "Never mind. What do you call this place?"

"Oh. You're with us, the leafmen." Nod smiled, brushing his hair back. "We call this place the forest."

The girl smiled and nodded. "We call it that too. What's your name?"

"Nod. What's yours?"

"Bryanna." She winced and pressed her hand onto her side. "Still kind of in pain, but I'll manage."

"Yeah. The doctor said you probably shouldn't move. What happened?"

Bryanna paused. "I was being kidnapped." 


She nodded. "I managed to fend her off, but she landed a wound on me. I kept staggering to try and find help, but I was lost. I fell, and then you found me." 

Nod smirked. "Glad I heard you fall."

"Yeah." Bryanna laughed lightly. "Thank you for bringing me here. I realized you and everyone out there could have left me for did or worse."

Nod laughed and sat on the bed. "When you're feeling better, or when you're up to it, do you want to... look around this place? I can imagine how different the experience is."

"I'm extremely small and it's an adventure just to go down to the pond." Bryanna's grin was wide. "Of course I'll look around."

Nod smiled. "Good, then it's a date." Nod stood up.

"Wait. What?" Bryanna's eyes were wide.

Nod winked back as he walked out. "See you soon. Oh! And try to get better fast, please."

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