Weightless (Finalized)

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An arrow flew past Nod and Bryanna as they got closer to the palace.

"Whoa!" Nod leaned out of the way.

Ronin's eyes widened. "They've come to the palace!" He pulled out his sword and flew into the entrance of the palace.

"Plan B." Nod smiled at Bryanna as he dodged some arrows.

"We're not going into the palace?" Bryanna's arms tightened around Nod's waist.

"Actually, we are, but I don't want you to get hurt." Nod spiraled downward to the water.

He held onto Bryanna and jumped into the water. Bryanna gripped onto Nod's shirt. Her grip grew tighter when she spotted a boggan swimming towards them. Nod's eyes widened, and he pulled the both of them to the surface.

"This way!"

Bryanna swam quickly after Nod, avoiding arrows without even knowing it. Nod swiftly lifted her onto the dirt under a tree root.

"Stay here. Unless a boggan comes after you, then run somewhere."


Nod shrugged. "Somewhere." He jumped from lily pad to lily pad to the entrance of the Palace, trying to get to his weapons as fast as he could.

Nod managed to kick some boggans of off a few leafmen as he reached his armor. Grabbing his sword, he defeated two more. Slicing, kicking, and punching, he made his way to the center of the palace. He spotted a few birds chasing away some of the boggans. He also noticed that the plants were slapping or throwing the boggans across the room. The plants then proceeded to sweep the defeated boggans off the edge of the room and into the water below.

"Your highness?"

"I'm all right." The young queen jumped up. "We just had a few in here. The rest seemed to be taken care of too."

Nod heard more splashes in the water. "Either way, you should be safe."

"I am." The young queen grinned. "This raid is unorganized and very small. There are less than two hundred here."

There was a loud scream coming from outside. Nod ran to the opening of the room and spotted a raven. Bryanna was dangling from its talons. Nod ran to one of the humming birds inside and hopped on.

The boggan aimed his arrow at Nod as Nod flew towards him. The arrow missed, and the boggan fired another, missing Nod again. An arrow shot through the boggan and he fell. Nod reached out to take Bryanna's hand. But the raven's grip on Bryanna loosened and she began to fall.

Nod flew down and took a firm hold of Bryanna's hand, but Bryanna's hand was slipping out of his. They stared at each other with wide eyes. Bryanna's heart raced as she tried not to look down. Nod grunted as he tried to lift Bryanna up, but gravity was getting the best of him. His shoulders felt like they were on fire from the amount of time he was hold Bryanna up and the amount of force he was trying to use to lift her up.

Bryanna closed her eyes as her fingers were becoming the only thing Nod had a hold of. Bryanna shook her head and looked down at the blury surface below. Her fingers slipped out of Nod's grip.

"No!" Nod stared at her.

Bryanna closed her eyes and felt a thud. The fall was a lot less painful than she imagined and a LOT quicker than she anticipated. She opened her eyes and sat up. She realized she had landed in Ronin's arms instead of the ground. Bryanna felt herself breath again, almost wanting to cry.

Nod sighed a sigh of relief and laughed as he flew to her. "Well that was pretty scary. Good thing Ronin was here."

Ronin nodded, landing on a branch. "It's strange that the boggans were trying to take Bryanna."

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