Chap. 1

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Karson's P.O.V


'BRRRRRREEEEEEE BRRRRRREEEEEEEE BREEE---' I throw my alarm clock across the room. "Great. Another day at the school that I destest with a passion." I jump out of bed and squeel as soon as my feet touch the freezing dark oak planks. "Crap!" I exclaim as I spot my alarm shattered in pieces lining my wall.

"That's the third this month Kar..." I jump three feet in the air."Ouch! What the heck was that for?" My brother Jayy asks me as I smack him. I shove him out of my room but not before saying "For scaring me and this" I draw out the 'is' in the word "Is for coming in my room without permisson!" I whisper-shout as not to wake KiKi, my cat as I shut the door on his face.

Oh crap! Sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Karson Marie Griffis. And yes, my brother is the one and only Jayy Griffis a.k.a Jayy Von Monroe. Now you'd think that I'd be treated good at school because my brother's famous, right? Wrong. It just made everything worse. But enough of that, you'll find more out later.

I come out of my thoughts only to realize my brother is knocking on my door. I walk over to my door and open it and imediatly get smacked on the back of my head. "Ow! Dang it Jayy what was that for?" I shout at him. Only to be answered by a simple statement "Payback Kar, payback."

"Well payback or not you're a piece of shit Jayy." I say reply simply.

"Whatever, bitch" He says under his breath. I'm full-on glaring at him now and judging from the way he's shifting uncontrollably, he's really uncomfortable. "Did you just call me a bitch?" I question him in a deathly calm voice. He is so going to get it now. "Uhmmm...No?"

That's it. This bitch is gonna die. "I'm mentally killing you in a million different way at this very moment..." I state. His eyes widen at my remark."W-whatever Kar. J-just get ready. I'm driving you to school today." He says stuttering every now and then. I just nod signalling that I don't care.

As he turns to leave I suddenly realize something. "Jayy!" I say quickly causing him to turn immediatly. He raises an eyebrow at me as he says "Yeah Kar?" I fumble with my fingers as I suddenly am uncomfortable. "I-it's my birthday today...Do have anything to do tonight?" I ask.

His eyes widen once again at my statement. "No. I don't think so." He say a little to quickly for my liking. I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion as I watch him avoid my gaze. "Alright...I-I need to get changed so if you don't mind could you...?" I ask trailing off assuming he knows to leave the room.

"Yeah, just hurry up will you..?" He asks in a kind of commanding tone. I just nod in a way to let him know I will. He closes my door on the way out of my room. I start to get ready and put on my white ripped skinnies, black high-top converse, and a ripped Slipknot tee.

I walk across the hall to the bathroom and apply my pale-tannish lipstick and a thin layer of eyeliner. I was about to put on my mascara when a thought came to me. "Hey Jayy?" I shout. "Hmm?" "Is anybody coming over tonight?" I ask simply.

"Yeah. Dahvie, Andy, and the rest of Black Veil Brides. Why?" He asks in a bored tone. As he says this I drop my mascara in the sink. "Shit!" I exclaim. I pick it up and continue to put it on my eye-lashes. All the while thinking one thought.



Hey! Sorry for the short chapter! This is my first fanfiction! WOOHOO!!!

Update will be slow due to my schedule (school,music,sleep etc.,). I WILL TRY TO UPDATE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO YOUR LIKING! Please leave a LIKE, COMMENT, OR VOTE! LOVE YALL!

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