We meet again.....Chapter 4

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Destiny's POV

We were driving for years....kidding. But it's at least an hour.

'Anna, I want you to behave well at the mall okay??' James said to Anna, while Kyle stopped the brakes. How does James know Anna.

'Yes' Anna whispered softly.

'How do you know Anna??' I asked James

'When she was first here, she was very tough and tried escaping a billion times, she had many punishments too, I guess she learned her lesson' James said, smirking at the last part.

We got out of the car. Anna was beside me. James and Kyle were behind us.

'Destiny??' Kyle said to me. I turned around 'Here' he gave me a bunch of money 'You can buy anything you want but you have to show one of us first AND Anna can't buy anything, okay??' 

'Okay, but why can't Anna buy anything??' 

'Boss's order' James said

We went inside the mall. We went to Target and Forever 21. I bought a lot of jeans, T-shirts, converse, hoodies, jewelry, skirts, make-up, and a few dress. I didn't wanted to buy so many things, but Kyle and James told me that Zane said to them that I had to buy these stuff.

'Umm, Kyle can we go to Nandos??' I asked 

He thought for a moment 'Okay, but Anna can't eat anything' 

I sighed 'Not even a little bit' 

'Do you want to get in trouble with Boss??' James asked

I quickly shook my head.

We went to Nandos, me, James and Kyle ordered something while Anna watched, I felt really bad for her but I didn't wanna get I trouble with Zane.

We got back to the house, James and Kyle took my bags in my room. Zane called me and Anna to the living room.

'Had fun shopping??' Zane asked, I sat on one of the chairs while James and Kyle took Anna back to the basement.

'Why did you tell Kyle and James to make me buy so many things??' I asked, frowning

He chuckled 'Well, you are gonna stay here, better have all the things ya need' 

I sighed 'Will I ever see my brothers again??' I asked, almost in tears

'You will but not so soon' Zane said, again with no emotion

'Can I go to my room now??' I asked

'Will ya look at that, she's not stuttering in front of us anymore' Alex said with a smirk on his face. When he said that all the guys had smirk on their faces.

'How did that change, Dez??' Finn asked

'Umm, I..I don't know, you guys told me that you won't hurt me unless I do something wrong and well even if you guys did take me, you never hit me or hurted me, maybe that's why I kinda feel safe now' I said quietly, looking down on my lap.

Someone came near me and put their hand under my chin and lifted my head so I was looking at him, it was Zane.

'And it'll stay that way, no one will ever hurt you, I promise' Zane said, and planted a kiss on my forehead. First I was shocked, but than I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

'I'm gonna go up' I said, and I stood up and walked back to my room.

Zane's POV

I never meant to kidnap her or take her to London, she...she just saw us killing someone, it never happened to us before, we were very careful to not let anyone see us. Not that we're afraid, it's the exact opposite, everyone is scared of us.

'Man, are you...arr, ya know, falling for her or something??' Xavier asked me, when Destiny went back upstairs.

I put my head on my hands smiling 'I...I don't know......maybe' I said looking up at the last part.

'Well, she's heck of a beauty, go for it' Jace said

'I agree' Lucas said

'It'll be dangerous for her, since Ryan is still alive, that dickhead could start anything' I said getting a little angry.

'Calm down man, we've got enough guys to fight him off' Alex said to me

'Yeah, I guess' I said 'I'm gonna go sleep, you guys should also, we still have to go to David to take back our money' 

We all said bye's and went to our room's. I took off my shirt and pants and laid down on my bed. 

'Finally some sleep'  i thought to myself and I drifted off to some sleep....

Carter's POV

I'm so worried, Me and Will are at the police station right now.

'So, she stormed out of the house and never came back, am I right??' A officer asked us

'Yes' Will said impatiently 

'Okay, so we have sent officers around California, I promise you, you'll see her again, I suggest you go back to your house to take some rest Mr Walwards' the officer "Sim" said

'Thank you so much for your help Officer Sim' we shook his hand and than we left. It's been a week since a last saw her........I miss you Dez.

I went to my room, locking it. I climbed onto my bed and just kept thinking about my little sis.

'Oh Dez, where are you??'  I Asked to myself 

Destiny's POV

I went to the window-side seat and laid my head. Thinking about my mommy, I miss her so much. Why?? Why did my life had to be like this, where did the happy Destiny go. It's been a week already.

I started crying.........

I went downstairs to get myself some water. I heard some footsteps. I stated shaking.

'Relax, it's only me' the voice said......it was Zane

'You scared me' I said, still shaking a bit

He chuckled 'Sorry' 

OMG....his laugh is so sexy......

'Can you turn on the lights??' I asked

He turned on the lights, I could see him. His hair was a little messy but he looked so sexy. He was only wearing boxers. 

'Like the view' he said, smirking.

I quickly looked away. He laughed. 'Go back to sleep' 

'Okay, night' I said, going back to my room.

'Night' he said and went back to his room, I went back to mine and fell into a deep sleep

I don't know why, but when I'm around Zane I...I feel something. Something I never felt in front of a guy.

XxHope you guys like the story......;)).....XxRosexX

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