Isn't so bad......Chapter 10

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Destiny's POV

 I Was sitting, sitting doing nothing....staring at the boring old ceiling.

Ryan said he had to go somewhere, and he was afraid I'd escape, so he handcuffed me to the bed....

Sitting there......I thought about Carter and Will.....I hadn't thought about them for awhile, I wish there alright, remembering them kinda saddens me, I miss them, and somethings telling me I've been replaced.

I shook that thought out of my head, that's impossible, they promised me I'd always be there favorite girl....


'Carter, willy...will I ever be replaced??' I asked my brothers

They smiled at me 

'Never...ever' Carter said kissing my cheek

'Who can ever replace like you??' Will said putting his hand on my cheek

'Won't you have girlfriend??' I asked

They laughed

'Even if we do, you'll always be our favorite girl'

I smiled and hugged them both

'I love you, I'm lucky to have the best brothers in the world' I said 

They smiled at me.....

Flashback end~

I smiled at that thought, I was 12 years old then.......

I heard the door open, Ryan came in. He had two bags with him.

He saw me and smirked, I frowned at him and looked away

He turned my head so that I was facing him 

'Don't look away from me, had fun??' He asked smirking

'Very' i rolled my eyes

He got on top of my 'You know sometimes you're too feisty with me'

I ignored him

I felt his hand on my bum, he squeezed it. I yelped. But he didn't pull away.

'Ryan please, I don't even know you' I said, trying not to feel the effect he's having on me.

He looked at me ridiculously

'Please uncuff me' I said

He sighed and got off me. He took a key from his pocket and uncuffed me.

I rubbed my wrist, it hurt like hell

'Wanna go out??' He asked, I looked at him crazily 

'Do you??' He asked again.

'Aren't you supposed to be keeping me in a basement with no food or something' I asked him

'Do you want to live in the basement?? I could let you' he said, smirking at the end......

I widened my eyes and quickly shook my head.

He laughed 'Come on let's go' 

'Wait, I don't have clothes' I said

'I got them for ya' he said reaching for the bags he brought 

He gave them to me, I went to the other room adm locked the room. I took out a red T-shirt and white shorts, a pair of converse and put on some make-up. I put my hair in a high ponytail.

'I'm ready' I said getting out of the room

He looked at me smirking, and came towards me.

He slid his arms around my waist 'Someone's looking hot' he wispered on my ear.

I slapped his arms away 'Well that's none of your business'

He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, he took my hand and led me outside.

The scenery was so beautiful.

Me and Ryan took loads of pictures.

'Ryan' I wined tucking on his shirt

He looked at me easing an eyebrow 

'I wanna see the Eiffel tower' I said pouting, widening my eyes more.

He chuckled 'Okay' 

I squealed and we went to see it.

We were currently walking down a street, I forgot the name, it was some kind of alley type but not exactly.

I guy came from up front

'Hey man' he greeted Ryan

'Hey bro' he said, and they did their bro hugs.....

'So who's this young lady here' he said smirking, looking at me.

'She's Destiny and she's TAKEN' Ryan said, narrowing his eyes when he said 'Taken', me taken?? No way....I mean, me and Zane weren't exactly a couple.......

'Woah, woah, chill dude' the guy said, surrendering.

'You're so rude, introduce me you dumbo' the guys aid to Ryan

Ryan sighed 'Destiny this is Dan, a close friend of mine' 

'Hey' I said to him

He smiled at me 'What're you guys doing so late at night??' 

'We're going to see the Effie Tower' I squealed, clapping me hands and jumping around.

They both laughed

I pouted 'What???' 

'She's amazing' Dan said looking at me

'Thanks' I said, blushing, I put my head down so that my hair was covering my face.

'You guys wanna come to a party tmr, Sean's holding one' Dans said

'Who's Sean??' I asked curiously 

'He's a friend of ours' Ryan said to me 

'So you guys comin' Dan asked raising an eyebrow 

'HELL YEAH' Me and Ryan yelled at the same time, we looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Dan shook his head smiling 'Well, I'll see you guys tmr, I guess, bye Ryan, bye princess' he said, the last word looking at me.

I smiled at him, blushing, he winked and ran away before Ryan could blast.

I looked at Ryan, he looked a bit mad

I giggled and tucked on his arm 'Let's go' 

We went to see the Effie tower.

The view was dashing, since it was night time.

'Its amazing' I whispered

'It is....' Ryan said back........

XxThat's Dan in the side.....;))XxRosexX

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