Dan???....Chapter 11

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Destiny's POV

'Hey Dez, you better start getting ready for the party we've got 5 minutes left' Ryan said coming into the living room.

'WHAT?????' I yelled at him

'Kidding, just kidding, don't worry you've still got an hour to get dressed' he said laughing

I sighed in relief, who the hella can get dressed for a party for 5 minutes.

'I hate you' I said to Ryan crossing my arms

'You lovvveee me' he said, in a teasing tone

'Zane's better' I said.

Suddenly I was pushed against the hard wall, I yelped. Ryan was in front of me, his Breathing heavily.

'Don't you fucking dare talk or say anything about that fucker' Ryan said, his eyes filled with anger.

I quickly nodded 'S-S-Sorry' 

He sighed and let go of me, I went to the washroom to get a shower, I didn't wanna be around Ryan so much.

I don't know hat is wrong with that guy, his mood changes sooooo easily......One minute he's nice, the next he's angry.....

I shook my head and started to take a shower......


After I took a shower, I went to put on my clothes, I chose to wear a simple jeans type outfit, but Ryan said I couldn't, he said wear something fancy and sexy. So I chose a a golden half-sleeve top and a black shirt (The other things on the side)

I went out of the bathroom, Ryan looked at me and smirked 'Guys would be drooling all other ya' 

I rolled my eyes. 

Ryan was wearing a red strip jeans and a blue shirt. With some red converse.

'Let's go' Ryan said, holding out a hand for me, I took it hesitatingly.

We walked out the hotel and there was a black BMW.....

Ryan got in the drivers seat, while I sat in the passenger seat.....he started driving.

He park d the car at a house, it was filled with people and music.....I smiled

'Come on' Ryan said getting out of the car, I got out and we went inside.


This party was AMAZING

'Dez come on, just have a drink' Ryan said, giving me a drink

I shook my head

He sighed and drinked it himself.

'Hey dude' I regonized that voice......Dan

'Hey idiot...' Ryan slurrled out, he was already drunk

Dan laughed and shook his head, he came towards me.

'How's my princess's doing??' Dan asked 

I giggled 'Good...' 

'Wanna dance' he asked, looking at my dress....

'Ummm' I said looking at Ryan, Dan noticed

'He won't say anything, it's just a dance' Dan said, holding my hand

'Okay' I said, with that Dan pulled me to the dance floor and we started dancing to the song.

I looked at Dan, he was looking at me....I smiled, he smiled back

'You truly are beautiful' he whispered in my ear, purposely brushing his lips against it.....

I shivered 'Thx' I could tell I was blushing 

He smirked, we danced for awhile and then we got back to Ryan.

'Umm, I think we should be going now, since this jerk head is drunk' 

Dan nodded 'Bye princess' 

I smiled 'Bye...', he kissed my cheek making me shiver and he went away....

I stood there like dumbfounded, then came to reality.

I was about to bring Ryan home when I was pushed against the wall....I looked at the guy, I could tell he was a bit drunk

'You're a sexy girl' he said, kissing my jawline than my neck......

I tried pulling him away, but he didn't 

He picked me up still kissing me and took me upstairs, tears rolled down my cheeks.

'Please' I begged

'Do you want me to do more, than I already have??' 

I shook my head still crying.....

Suddenly my wish was granted, Dan came to the room, the guy who was kissing me ran out of the room, huh?? Dan saw me he gasped and came to my side....

He kneeled down in front of me, he put his hand under my chin so he was looking at me

'Did he touch you' Dan asked

I nodded, still crying

He wiped away me tears, but they kept coming, I put my head on his chest and cried.....he was calm and rubbed my back, it helped a lot....

When I wasn't crying anymore, I looked at him 'Thank you, I don't know what he would've done if you didn't came' 

He kissed my forehead 'it's alright, let's go, I'll bring you home'

'What about Ryan??' 

'I'll take of him' 


Dan took me home and checked if I was safe, I told him to hurry and bring Ryan back, God knows what's he doing....

Dan came back with Ryan after half an hour.....

'Thank you so much Dan, you really helped a lot' I hugged him tight, he hugged me back 

'Your welcome, if he's still not better and if you need anything call me' he said, I nodded, he wrote down his number on of piece and went home....

I went to a deep sleep, thank god Ryan was in another room

XxThx for reading guys, let me know what ya think...XxRosexX

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