Right or wrong??.......Chapter 23

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"Live while you're young" By One Direction....its old but amaZAYN!!!!! Tell me if you guys like this song....<3

Destiny's POV

I groaned, waking up. 

I looked at my side. A peaceful sleeping Zane was lying there with no shirt. I looked at him for awhile. I traced my finger on his chest, making him opening his eyes.

I quickly pushed my hand away, only to me taken by Zane's hand.

'Aww, why'd you stop, eh??' He asked me, giving me a slight push up front so that I was on top of him.

'Zane!!!!!' I tried getting away, but his arms were pulling me back down 'I'm still angry at you, why do you and Ryan keep on fighting, it's like both of you WANT me to be unhappy' I said emotionally, curling my hands in fist and getting off him.

He got up and sat beside me, I wasn't looking at him.

'You know you're mine...I took you first, not him. I'm your boyfriend, not him. You'll always be mine. Not his. So he started it by taking you from me, I didn't' 

I looked at him 'Well, I never belonged to you at first, I had a family of my own, you took me away from them, than Ryan took me away from you, he never started it......you did' I said to him, remembering everything that happened before.

Green emerald eyes were looking at my blue ones 'I'm your first ever boyfriend right??' 

I shook my head, he frowned 

'I..I had one be-before' I stuttered out scared of his reaction, he looked at me for a while 'He dumped you??' 

I gulped, forcing the tears that were begging to come out in my eyes, 'Yeah' I whispered 

'But I'm your first boyfriend that ISNT gonna dump you, so you're fucking mine, never deny that' he said narrowing his eyes at me.

Watery tears came from my eyes '7 months Zane, 7 months I'm here' I hissed at him

He shook his head 'You're here for 3 months and you lived with Ryan for 4 months, 4 fucking months Destiny!!!' 

That's was true....I did stayed with Ryan for 4 months and the last day he asked me about the international school, but Zane came, and I came back.

I looked away, not knowing what to say 'Can I still go and look at Dan...??' 

shaking his head he said 'No.....' 

'Why???' I wined

'Because he's friend with Ryan, that bastard, I fucking hate him.....' He said looking into thin air and  back at me.

'Please' I said, I really wanted to

'NO DESTINY!!!' He yelled standing up. I flinched. 

Getting up, he walked into the washroom.....


'Do you wanna go out, like shopping or anything Dez??' Zane asked me, while changing the TV channel.

We were sitting in the living room, the other guys were, some wee out, some in their room, Luke was doing his Job, Miranda in the Kitchen.

'Yeah, I guess, Alright if have a piercing??' I asked, I mean, it's better if I had his opinion.

He looked at me 'Ear?? You already have one...' 

I shook my head 'Belly...' 

He smirked, getting closer to me 'I never knew the good little innocent Destiny will ever have a belly piercing' his arm around my waist.

I blushed, biting the inside of m cheek. He kissed it and let me go.

'Course', any other things??' He asked closing the TV

I thought for a moment 'How 'bout I dye my hair....I always wanted to....' 

He nodded 'Sure, which color??' 

'Light brown' I said dreamily...I always thought of having Light brown hair.

'It'll look good on ya, well, can't wait to see the little innocent girl change' he said and winked at me. I slapped his arm.

Laughing he said 'Kyle, James and.....um that girl, the one who went with you last time-' 


'Yeah, she'll go with you, sounds good??' He asked standing up, as I did the same.

I nodded 'Yeah, I'll go get ready' I went upstairs and stated changing my clothes. A black blouse, with some matching skirt. On it a Blue hoodie, a white scarf around my neck and black leggings............. (Pic on the side, don't count the bag)

I went down my stairs and saw Kyle, James and Zane were talking. Anna was standing there looking down, it's like she had some more whips. She looked so weak as in she didn't eat for days.

I went to Miranda 'Umm, can have some water??' I asked her, she looked at me smiling and nodded.

She gave me a glass of water, I went to Anna about to give her when Zane stopped me.

He snatched it away form my hand carefully not to ruin my outfit 'She's not allowed, also when you go shopping, she can't eat or buy ANYTHING' he said phrasing the last word looking me.

'Zane look at her, she's so weak, she needs something to eat and drink' I said to Zame, trying to get the gas of water from his hand.

He shook his head 'No'

'Than I won't speak to you' I said turning away, crossing my arms.

I heard him sigh 'Onc, only once, if next I'm fucking not doing that, okay??' He said, giving me the glass of water.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, giving the glass to Anna who gulped it down her throat in one.

'Well, let's go' I said, going out of the room, followed by Kyle, James and Anna.

We sat in the car, as usual, me and Anna in the back, and James driving, Kyle next to him.

'Th-Thank y-you' Anna's small voice said, I looked at her shocked This was the first time I heard her speck. But smiled 'it's alright, you needed it' she smiled back at me.

'How all are you??' I asked

'16, you??' She asked


Thank you for reading....2 chapters in a day right???...hehehe

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I'll always help you get up

After laughing my ass at you.........hahahaha

OMG....that's a good one<3

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