Chapter 3.

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The past few days I passed by Ryan and we would have some small conversations. Wave, talk about small stuff. Nothing important. UNTIL TODAY.

I walked by Ryan like I always do at this point. Its late afternoon, and I'm checking the mail. I had my head down texting Melani because she sent some edited versions of my music to my email and I'm trying to get them to open. As I struggle with that I walk up to my mail box and get my stuff slowly. Ryan snuck up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"AH!" I yelped jumping up in the air almost dropping my phone.

"Hehehehe whoops." He said smugly.

"Ah man you scared the hell out of me!" I said laughing. "Haha, What do want?"

"I was um.. actually going to ask you for your number."

My heart skipped a beat. Why?!

"Oh you do? Well, here. I'll put it in your phone." I said slipping my hand into his pocket.

I added my contact to his phone and added all these hearts to my name for fun.

"Heheh." I chuckled.

"I was just thinking we could hang out some time.."he said running his fingers through his hair.

"I can't today,but I would love to."

No, stop agreeing. Why am I so compelled to do this!

"Okay, well see you tomorrow then."

He gave me a small, friendly hug.

My stomach was tied in knots by the time I got home. Why did I do those things? He's so attractive. Not even just in appearance, but I can't resist.


"Whiskers! I have discovered it!"

I yell marching over to him.

"His mysteriousness drags me in. I want to know more about him. Like he is hidden behind a mask..." I mumble on about this for quite some time and Whiskers meowed to interrupt me.

"What?" I spat at him.

"Meow." he responded.

"You're just a cat, why am I talking to you." I said turning to go to my room. I scrolled my social networks on my computer and thought:

He is so strange. He never says anything about him. He's got a weird presence. But that smile and that VOICE... Oh my God. How can anyone have that voice and not be an angel.

As I continued my social surfing, I got a text message alert. When I saw it, it was a number that I hadn't saved. My heart skipped a beat and a smile crept across my face. Then a frown. Then back to a smile. I gave into it. I have a crush.

I. have. a. crush.

On Ryan.


We text for hours. I can't remember what time we started, but it ended sometime around 12 o'clock in the morning.

I passed out right after. Whiskers crawled on my face after I went to sleep and vibrated my head with all the purring. I slept like an baby that night. How could I not? I mean, Ryan. Can you not?


The next morning, I text him. He immediately answered with,"Heyyyy happy face"

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