Chapter 16-Broken Hearts

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Hey guys thank  you guys so much for 1k reads I just noticed btw I'm about to start a new book for shippng oneshots


Serena's POV

Its been a few months ever since the incident between me and Ash. Calem and 1 also started dating but we never had a first kiss though whenever Calem tries to do it it, a feeling in my body keeps telling him to stop. Today we're going on a camping trip to the mountains but Ash isn't going to come today for some reason. Shauna told me that he wasn't sick so that was strange to me . I forgot to ask Shauna about if Ash liked me very well so that was what I was going to do very well. The bus just stopped at the mountains

"Alright class, make sure you don't leave anything behind the bus when you leave the bus"the teacher explained.

We all got down the bus and placed our stuff on the ground. After that we stated making some curry rice. I was going to get water from the river but I needed a partner so Shauna tagged along with me.

"By the way Shauna, did Ash liked me? "I ask while putting the bucket in the water. I looked at Shauna who was giving a sad face.

"Serena, Ash didn't like you but love you, he wouldnt stop talking about you"

After she said that, I felt like a really big hole in my heart. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

After that we were eating our rice.

"Wow this is great Serena"Calem said eating he rice


All of a sudden, there was a huge explosion near the trees. All of us stopped eating when we saw a few people came out.

"ALRIGHT YOU PEOPLE GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!" a  man said with a Houndoom walking beside him. There were other people beside him with different typese of pokemon .


All of us were to scared to move, our legs couldn't move


The Houndoom started unleashing fire at us when suddenly a thunderbolt came out of nowhere intercepting the famethrower. Someone then appeared with a Lucario next to him. That person looked like.....

"ASH!!!"Shauna shouted

The person turned around and I was able to see his full face.


I knew Serena would be here. I just wished Calem never came.

"Ash! What are you doing here?!"Shauna shouted


"Sorry Cuz, they told me he'd appeared here so I came a fast as I can I could"

"Well Well look who finally came"

"It has been awhile Lex"

"Now, Flamethrower!"

"Flash Cannon!!!"

Both pokemon unleashed their long-ranged attacks.

"Shauna get evryone out of here now!!!! I'll take it from here!"I shouted

Everyone was in panic. They were all screaming avoiding Lex's subordinates' pokemon attacks while the teachers were trying to calm the students down. 

"AHHHH!!!" I heard

I turned around to see Serena floating in air. In front of her was two people, a meditite and and  a Houndoom.

"Calem help!!!"She shouted 

Calem just watched in ffrightened. He just ran away while crying. Such a wimp

"Well, aren't you a pretty girl, now time to teach you a lesson for not listeneing to boss, houndoom use Fire Blast!!!!"

"Serena!!!"I shouted

I just ran in front of Serena without thinking. I felt the fire blast touching my body. It felt like sharp hot needles entering my body. I felt burns forming. 

Serena's POV

I watched as Ash just got hit by the fire blast. Lots of police then came and arrested evrybody. ASh's body fell to the ground. There were burn marks all over his body. His clothes were all burned and filled with holes.

"ASH!!!!"i screamed in horror

A lot of people surroundedASh. Gary place his ear on Ash's chest

"He's still alive just unconcious but his heartbeat is getting slow"Gary said

Few hours later, we were in the hospital waiting for Nurse Joy to let us know on Ash. After a while she came out with a lot of sweat.

"How is he Nurse Joy? "I asked

"Good news and bad news"

"Good news"Gary said

"Well he's still alive"Nurse Joy said

"Okay but what are the bad news?"Shauna asked

"Right now...he's......"

After she said it, I felt my knees getting weak. Tears coming from my eyes.

"He's in a coma"


spooky........anyway guys hope you enjoyed it and leave a comment letting me know on any ideas on how to improve this story. Next chapter, you guys are probably going to like it, Serena and Calem's breakup , then maybe after a few chapters we might see some more amourshipping see ya!!! 

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